Make the most of this Black Friday
Here at Distributel, we enjoy a bit of shopping just like anyone else.
On that note, Black Friday is in an interesting spot this year. The last few years have been odd ones for Black Friday, with most in person shopping being limited. This has resulted in Black Friday’s online presence becoming much more robust. With the Canadian economic situation being what it is, some may be sitting out this year’s Black Friday. Others may want to take this opportunity to pick up some needed items at a discount. With that in mind, we’d like to offer some tips to help you get the most bang for your buck.
?1: Do Your Research!
Black Friday has a ton of great deals on offer, but it’s important to know exactly what you’re getting into. Be sure to research that product you had your eye on thoroughly to ensure you get exactly what you want. A product could look very similar, but a few letters in a serial number can mean a lot when it comes to performance.
In addition, there maybe sales you’re not even aware of. Mobile or internet providers, like yours truly, do put their services on sale during Black Friday. Take the time to invest now so you can save your dollars in the months to come with any of your subscriptions. Take a look at what we offer, it's a great one!
?2: Make the Best of the Internet
Black Friday now has a strong online presence. It’s well worth taking the time to do some sleuthing to find the best deals available online. Consider signing up for newsletters to companies you enjoy. Do some searches for coupons before committing to a sale - you might be able to get a nice discount on top of the advertised sale price!
?3: Make a List!
It’s easy to get distracted during Black Friday sales. Whether it’s a list for online shopping, or heading out to the stores, try to have a general idea of what you want to grab. It’s easy to forget something important in the middle of a stressful crowd. It’s also easy to get carried away and spend way more than you intended. A bit of planning goes a long way!
We hope you’re able to make the most of your Black Friday.
Let us know if you have any tips we haven’t mentioned.