Make More Money...
Gina Battye
Psychological Safety and Workplace Culture | Creating cultures where people work better together | CEO & Founder of the Psychological Safety Institute
The Make More Money course kicks off in a couple of weeks.
Here's a bit of info about it.
During this 3 month course, we'll work together to:
1. Get super clear on the REALITY of your financial situation (9 times out of 10 it is not what you think). Knowledge is power.
2. Uncover the beliefs, old conditioning (like Money Doesn't Grow On Trees) and fears you have that are sabotaging your ability to bring in more money, hold on to it and clear your debts
3. Reprogramme those wonky beliefs etc - changing your relationship with money FOR LIFE
4. Create a step-by-step plan of the actions you will take to increase your income and decrease your debt
You will leave the course renewed, re-energised and inspired, with the knowledge and skills to keep you in total control of your finances (instead of them controlling you and your emotions)
AND you will have a robust plan you can implement straight away.
The course investment is £300 - payable in full or in instalments.
You will receive:
- 2 sessions per month - one every two weeks
- Pre-work to complete (so we can hit the ground running)
- Work to complete in between sessions and you will be asked to bring specific info to the calls
All calls are recorded and sent to you so don't worry if you cant attend live.
We begin Thurs 8th Feb. Calls are at 7pm GMT.
PM or email [email protected] to join.
And remember...
There is only one thing that blocks or restricts your wealth. And that is YOU...