Make This Month Count
Dr. Ranelli A. Williams, CPA
CPA & Certified CFO | Helping 6 & 7-Figure Service-Based Entrepreneurs Save Taxes, Maximize Cashflow & Profits, and Scale with Strategic Financial Solutions
As we are in the final month of the second quarter of 2024, which brings us close to the halfway point of the year, it’s an ideal moment for a reset. For busy business owners, this is a valuable opportunity to pause, reflect on the past five-plus months, and compare our experiences with our goals to assess whether we are delighted with our progress. I am currently reading the book “Make Today Count” by John Maxwell. He mentions that there are two ingredients necessary to make every day a masterpiece: decisions and discipline, not one or the other but both. When you make good decisions in various areas in your life and combine daily discipline in those areas, the result is a masterpiece of potential.
Likewise, I would like to share how to best “Make This Month Count” to move your life and business in the direction you desire.
Steps to Make This Month Count
These are all great steps to follow as we approach the halfway mark through the year, but what if we took it even further and from here on out make every month a “Make This Month Count” month? Can you imagine what your life and business would be like?
By consistently reflecting, planning, and taking deliberate actions, you can create a rhythm of continuous improvement and sustained success. Every month can become an opportunity to reset, refocus, and recommit to your goals. Let’s make this a habit and watch as our lives and businesses transform, one month at a time.
Make this and every month count.
To your financial and entrepreneurial success,
Dr. Ranelli Williams