Make Money with Amazon Affiliate Tutorial WordPress Plugin AAWP 2019 UPDATED
Afiliados Amazon

Make Money with Amazon Affiliate Tutorial WordPress Plugin AAWP 2019 UPDATED

Make Money with Amazon Affiliate Tutorial WordPress Plugin AAWP 2019 UPDATED

Make Money with Amazon Affiliate

Pluning tutorial AAWP Amazon Affiliates for WordPress Update 2019

Make money with affiliate products amazon 

After trying a thousand ways to generate online passive income I can tell you that the WordPress plugin for Affiliates Amazon is by far the best to generate passive income with Amazon with this plunig complications and you save time while climbing.

This tutorial will explain and guide on how this plugin on how to configure and most importantly how to get the most performance works.

Who can make money with Amazon?

Today, the affiliate program Amazon Associates can be used in various ways in WordPress:

  • Bloggers can add affiliate links to your content or ads on your side to discuss and recommend specific products available on the market Amazon bar.
  • Users can create entire online stores dedicated to selling products from Amazon. This is also known as an affiliate store.
  • Business owners can sell and promote their own products from Amazon on their WordPress sites using affiliate links (so they receive the commission also earn money in direct sales through Amazon).
  • People who want to make a living writing reviews of products, books, movies and available on Amazon anything else can create an entire site dedicated to it.
  • Affiliate marketing can also be used in price-comparison sites offer coupons or product in bulk for various products.

If you like the idea of  generating additional revenue  by adding Amazon affiliate links to your WordPress site, you must first make sure you know what you're getting into. While there are a lot of benefits for Amazon Associates program

Yes, it is a payment plugin, but I assure you well worth it. If you read on, you'll understand.

 Get this pluninig here

Best Amazon affiliate plugin

Why CONSIDEO is the best plugin to make money with Amazon affiliate program?

Always be sure to comply with the policies of Amazon po rque you has a lot of advantages that allow you to do many things and stop worrying of many others, and so we guarantee that we are doing everything right and we will not tgendremos trouble charging in any time.

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Things you can do with this plunig:

Interested double your traffic? 

Geotag products to sell in more countries

Automatically update product prices

automatically update the availability of products in stock

Show boxes custom products

Directly insert links as nofollow

Display tables and comparative product

Make negative choices to exclude products

Show the latest

Customize styles, formats and designs

Show All best sellers

Conclusion This plugin makes it easy to work by 1000% and you can do almost all kinds of different strategies to increase conversions and save a lot of time because it does not you will have to be checking if the products are or not Stocko if prices have changed. 

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 Buy, install and activate the plugin AAWP

I told you that the plunig is paid, but in no time it really well invested more than $ 40 that

Before starting we have to buy the plugin, we'll go to the website if you do not have a translator in the browser maybe you see it in English or German .:

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Das seguiras the green button to display prices

[Youtube] amazon affiliate tutorial aawf

Prices on the screen choose the option that you're interested.

amazon affiliate tutorial aawf

Choose your preferred method of payment.

amazon affiliate tutorial aawf

Once the payment process is complete you can access your account

amazon affiliate tutorial aawf

Now eat your license IMPORTANT: Do not forget to add your website or your web plugin on your license.

aawf amazon affiliate tutorial so very much your license data


Now what we have to do is to unburden the plugin then upload it to our WordPress.

Now on your desktop wordpress you'll pluning and add new

To do this, we go to the administration panel of our WordPress, the section PLUGINS - Add new.

We click on the option to "plug up".

amazon affiliate tutorial aawf

You give subrir plunig

amazon affiliate tutorial aawf

If you have trouble climbing the plunig with the previous charger you can use this

amazon affiliate

Select the plugin file we have downloaded and are up click in "install now".

Once the installation process is complete, click on "Activate plugin '.

Affliates for WordPress

Remember activate your licecia very important

amazon affiliate

How to configure the pluning Amazon

Affliates for WordPress

Configure this plugin has a little work to set up but then it's the best you will find to achieve ROI or return on investment of your great work.

We show you step by step all you have to do what only do once.

We started. We go to our list of installed plugins, we locate and click in "Settings".

show you step by step all you have to do.

license key AAWP

We copy our  license key AAWP , paste it on our WordPress and click on "Activate License".

amazon tutorial

Tools "-" Product Advertising API

Now we go to our Amazon affiliate account and click in  "Tools" - "Product Advertising API."

amazon tutorial

Add credentials

We click on the option "Add credentials'.

amazon affiliate

Copy API Key

We'll have to  unburden a file , where we are given our API Key and Secret API our. Both APIs have to add them to our website. Save this file either because Amazon will not show in your account Secret API.

Copy the  API Key  and paste it into our WordPress.

amazon afiliates

Find API Key

amazon affiliate Tuto

API secret

We go to the file that we have downloaded, copy the  API Secret  and also pasted on our website.

amazon affiliate Tuto


amazon affiliate Tuto


amazon affiliate Tuto

Almost Listo.s now have the plugin installed, activated and almost set to start selling products and take advantage of Amazon affiliate transactions both in our pages and in our inbound marketing articles.

But let's turn to sell anywhere in the world

Geolocation products to sell in more countries

A great advantage of Amazon Affiliates plugin for WordPress is that we geolocalizar products  depending on where visitors come to cliquen in our affiliate links.

What does this mean?

Let's say you've created an affiliate account on Amazon Spain and sample their products on your website.

If a person click on one of your links being in Spain, fantastic. If you buy this or other product during the session, Amazon will send smooth the product and you will remove the corresponding commission. So far everything in order.

But say you get a visit from another country, click on your affiliate link and want to buy the product. Issue! You can not, because Amazon Spain does not send products to other countries. Conclusion: you lose that sale.

And this is where the solution offered by the plugin AAWP by allowing us activate the geolocation comes.

Yes, it touches us  open up an account Amazon affiliate in each country that interests us . But this is done, the rest is nothing plus the plugin makes it very easy for us to do so directly.

We go to our WordPress administration panel, section of Amazon Affiliate that we will be generated after you install and activate the plugin, like other plugins that have much content. Click in "Dashboard" or "Settings".

amazon affiliate tutorial aawf

We activate the geotargeting

amazon affiliate Tuto

Copy tracking ID

Add ID seguimineto

Finally, select the country and  add in our web tracking ID  provided by Amazon to create affiliate account. This ID is the one that will allow Amazon to identify sales from our affiliate links.

Geolocation of

amazon affiliate

amazon affiliate Tuto

Enable Multiple stores

We enable box  'multiple stores' . Automatically, the plugin will generate a list of countries where we sell products from Amazon with the link to go directly to create our own in each.

Then we must include our tracking ID in each country.

That done, we will go to the section "Functions" and we will enable the box "geotargeting" .

Ready. With this geolocation we have already activated.

Thus, if someone comes to our site from another country and click on one of our affiliate links,  will be redirected to the site corresponding Amazon , you can buy the product and we can take the commission.

Types and how to use shortcodes

By using shortcodes (small pieces of code that make specific calls), AAWP allows us to:

  • Automatically add on our web different types of boxes and Amazon product listings
  • Customize styles and formats (colors, buttons, text, etc.)
  • Choose the number of products we want to display and sort as you want
  • Make a negative selection of products that we are interested not included in our list

The  price and availability of products will be constantly updated s without having to do anything. This guarantees that we will not directly lose sales and we will comply with the policies of Amazon.

And just for this, this plugin worth much. But, as I have just advanced, this is just the beginning.

That said ... Let's see what we can do with these shortcodes!

Show product boxes

With the shortcode of  Amazon Box , we will be able to automatically insert into our boxes of one or more products. In addition, these boxes will be able to customize the as we want to improve our conversions.

To do this, right where we want the box or boxes is displayed, add the following shortcode:

[amazon box= “ASIN”]

The ASIN is the identification code of the product you want is displayed.

To locate it, we go to the Amazon product URL.

amazon afiliates

By integrating Amazon API Associates, automatically extract data AAWP affiliate. This includes your affiliate ID so that every time you add a product to show a product template or comparison chart, please do not put it all manually. Automatically extract the product name, image and your affiliate link.

Templates Product Display

Showing a product in a dedicated workforce is much more visually appealing to write in plain text. AAWP lets you create boxes and beautifully designed display products in multiple designs.

You can choose from light or dark layout and choose custom CSS. If you know CSS or hire a developer of CSS, you can customize the appearance of the product boxes AAWP the way you want.

Boxes products are already optimized for conversions, not surprising since AAWP is a complement to affiliate marketing. Therefore, when you create a product box that will become know better than text links.

Exhibition box

This display box would be very useful to boost your affiliate sales. Especially if you blog on niche physical digital products such as smartphones, computers and other digital products.

Simply we have to copy and paste it into the box shortcode Amazon, in quotation marks. 


[ Amazon box = "ASIN"  

If you want to display boxes of various products , after the first product code, we will put a comma, and then the ASIN will stick to that other product also quotes.

[amazon box= “ASIN, ASIN”]

The shortocode make a call to that product or products and display boxes with their image, price, buy button, etc. 

But now comes the best. And the plugin allows us plenty of  options to customize these boxes  product and not have to touch any code at any time.

To do this, we go to the administration panel of our WordPress, a section of Amazon Affiliate - "Dashboard" or "Settings".

On the top bar, click in the menu "Functions". From here we can modify the template box and styles.

You can keep trying and seeing is the case with each of the options.

But you can still customize more things in the box, like the  title, text buy button or description  of the product.

To do this, simply we have to add information to the shortcode as follows:

  • Customize the title:
  • [amazon box= “ASIN” title=“el título que queramos poner”]
  • Customize the buy button:
  • [amazon box= “ASIN” button_text=“el mensaje que queramos”] 
  • Customize the description:
  • [amazon box= “ASIN” description=“la descripción corta que queramos”]

The good news is that we can test to test us and see what works better or worse for conversions.

Show the best selling or most popular products

More things we can do with this plugin with shortocode and a couple of clicks.

We can make the shortcode make a call to show the best selling or most popular products in a category, a specific type of product, brand, etc. To do this, we use the search engine result pages filtered Amazon.

In this case it is the shortcode  Amazon Bestsellers  and allows us to set the number of products we want to show.

As in the previous case, right where we want this relationship to popular products are displayed and as we want to be displayed, we will include the shortcode:

[amazon bestseller= “nombre de categoría o producto” items=“número”]

List of best seller

AAWP allows you to display some of the best sellers on Amazon in your blog using short codes. The  Amazon selling   shortcode will show the bestseller for a keyword enter into it.

To display the best sellers in fiction, the short code would look like:

[Amazon bestseller = "fiction" items = "3"]

This will result in an output that shows the 3 best-selling fiction books in Amazon store. The list will be updated automatically whenever you change the top selling products.

It also shows Amazon recently launched products in a specific category (you choose) lists.

 Customizing Content

By default, automatically generate a list shortcode suchas previous

But also we have a lot of  options to customize the way shown  this list.

To do this, we go to the administration panel WordPress plugin section AAWP - Settings - Functions.

In the section on selling, we have the option to modify the template and style.

For example, if you select the format template "list", we can remove text descriptions of the products, which do not cease to be duplicate content from Amazon and if you are very long and show many products, forced to do a lot of scrolling.

We can determine at any time  how many products you want to display.

negative selection to exclude products

We can also make a negative selection, ie determine which product or products  do not want to be included  in the list of auto form? Magic.

How can we do this? Directly with the shortcode.

Just we have to copy the product name, part number or product key that you want to exclude search results from Amazon and after a word add '-' to shortcode as follows:

[amazon bestseller= “nombre de categoría o producto  – producto a excluir” items=”número“]

Sa you want to exclude this product from the call to Amazon results from one category:

We would catch the key word of this product and would include the shortocode after a "less". In this way:

Automatically  call the shortcode exclude this product  and not show it on our list of "best sellers".

We can also determine which products are displayed in  one or more columns :

[amazon bestseller=“barbacoa carbon” items=“8” grid=“3”]

Show the latest products

This shortocode works exactly like that of "best sellers" with the only difference that will show what are the "newest", ie the new products.1

[amazon new=“xxxxx” items=“número”]

As in the case of "bestsellers" we can:

  • Choose the number of products we want to show
  • Customize templates and styles
  • Exclude items from Amazon search results
  • Determine that products multiple columns are displayed in one or

Create product comparison tables

Another jewel of this plugin: comparative product tables.

To create a comparison chart, we go to the administration panel of our website section of Amazon Affiliates - Tables.

We click "Add new".

Clicking on "Add Row" we can  customize the rows and attributes of the products  we want to show our comparative table, we can determine the order and choose the name tags.

Say you want to create a comparative table of 3 products.

We go to Amazon, we search the type of product that interests us. Select the products you want to show and  copy the codes ASIN  the URL of each of these products.

Creating a comparison chart

The comparison table is an effective way to show the visitor how different 2 or more and compared.

AAWP allows you to compare multiple products in a comparison chart. The table is sorted and comes with a button call to action. You can create an unlimited number of tables comparing any product with another. You can create beautiful tables without touching any code.

To create a comparison chart and add a product, you need only an ASIN number. The supplement will use the ASN number to collect product information through the API.

His ASIN is important

I showed him how to find the ASIN number and how useful it is to create affiliate links in this tutorial. No need to leave the WordPress dashboard and everything must be done from the plugin configuration.

Once you have created a table, you can display it anywhere on your blog using short codes. The tables show an original button Buy now from Amazon that help higher clicks.

Once we have the product code, we return to edit our table and we're sticking and adding ASIN.

If we click on "Show more options", we can  customize the colors  of each product information in the table.

We can also write a  custom title  header for each product.

Once created and customized our table, if we go up to the right, we see that it has generated a shortcode.

This shortcode is where you have to copy and paste the page where you want the comparison table is included.

Ready! We have our comparison chart.

Additional characteristics

In addition to the main features, AAWP also has some major and small useful features, such as:

  • Cache management (reduce API requests to reduce the loading time)
  • Tracking links (tracks clicks and impressions)
  • It works with any WordPress theme.
  • responsive design and templates
  • Use HTTPS (secure connection with SSL certificates)
  • AMP support
  • prepared ready to use templates
  • Make commissions for recommending customers of Amazon Prime

You can connect the Amazon Associates account from countries including:

  • India
  • U.S
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
  • Japan
  • Canada

and more.


This pluning has caractericticas inacababes to use it ..

ASSURE I insist: it is a payment plugin, but definitely worth the money .

You've seen the amount of stuff that lets you do the Amazon WordPress plugin for Affiliates.

If you want to increase your profits without increasing Amazon affiliate traffic, AAWP would definitely be the only solution to try.

If you want to make money with Amazon no doubt this is a plugin you must take into account. And I tell you from experience, I've tried everything and I can assure you that this plugin is unmatched.

It is not an expense, it is an investment that allows us to increase our passive income with Amazon, at all times comply with the policies of the affiliate program and save a lot of time and headaches.

Amazon requires its affiliates are fair and transparent, so you must include a disclosure of the FTC on each page to insert affiliate links to Amazon. AAWP also makes it easy with its built-disclosure function.

AAWP is a premium supplement with a price of € 39 for individual sites WordPress. The best plan is to choose the bonus plan is priced at € 99 which includes the use across multiple sites and all major functions.

If you are a developer or manages client websites, you can also choose the unlimited plan with a price of € 199. This will allow you to use the AAWP add an unlimited number of WordPress websites.

They also offer a money back guarantee of 30 days if you are not satisfied with the complement. Accesses 1 year of free support and updates ins with each plan.

AAWP test now  .

Let me know what feature you like best.

Already you are using? How about? I'll wait in the comments!



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