Make Mondays Awesome
Cult of Monday
Join the Cult of Monday. Helping businesses engage their people and helping people love their work
Conversations with leaders this week
Whilst there have been 'return to the office' mandates in some sectors and regions, we do know that hybrid working is here to stay. The question remains?with distributed workforces, and hybrid work, how employers enable their people to be connected and engaged? And what should employers be mindful of when they lead remote, hybrid teams?
Wellbeing needs to be front and centre
Hybrid work makes for socially isolated people, and this means that ways to support employee thriving becomes even more critical.?
Employees need to be encouraged to have more identities over and above just work. Setting goals that challenges them out of their comfort zone and finding ways to contribute to their community outside of work.
Cognitive load and the impact on wellbeing
Volumes of data comes at us all day every day and being able to sort and prioritise this data at speed, does start to impact our wellbeing. Building micro-breaks into the day, using strategies that avoid overwhelm like time boxing activities and prioritisation. Recognising that sitting is the new smoking and ensuring that employees move, and step away and outside is critical.
2 Quick Things
Double down on the human being rather than the human doing
In a volatile, uncertain, changing and accelerating world, focusing on being human is what we have to lean on. This means creating opportunities for connection and belonging in ways that being task focused can't provide.
What gets measured gets done
Consider starting to measure the wellbeing of your people on an ongoing basis. Thinking beyond fruit baskets and yoga in the office, look at the capability of your managers, the culture that leaders are creating, job design and workload; and start to think about each area of wellbeing and initiatives you could consider.
COM Update
We would love to hear from you about your wellbeing efforts and what you are finding works. Join the conversation?Contact ( let us know if you would be interested in a Wellbeing Webinar.