Make a Mistake in Marketing is fine
Hadleigh Winter
Internal Business Development Manager @ LaddersFree Ltd | Expert in Providing Window Cleaning & Comprehensive Cleaning Solutions for Businesses of All Sizes.
I want to tell you a truth about marketing which a lot of people will not want to share.
This is will mess up, that simple.
When you design anything from a Facebook advert or some artwork or even copy at some stage you will mess it up.
The messing up is not the issue it is the way you deal with it, loads of people will say things like.
"We never mess up"
"We check everything twice"
"All our adverts are on point all the time"
"We spend hours doing artwork and our system is spot on"
I have been in business for so over two decades in senior roles and I have messed up many times and to be honest, I will again.
For example, we designed a new social media and digital marketing campaign this week, we spent hours designing the offer which channel we are using from Linkedin to Facebook and email and worked the math out and even done some direct marketing all was good.
Until I was looking at some of the adverts and noticed we had made a spelling mistake on the artwork (YOU should have been YOUR), we had been pushing this across every channel and adverts for two days with that mistake.
Okay, I am not going to lie it did pi## me off as it was something we should have seen, but am I that worried long term, No, not at all, because mistakes happen.
As soon as we noticed it we updated all the adverts within 15min, changes all the masters, checked all the copy again and within two hours have developed a new system which we hope will stop it happening again.
So we all make mistakes and that is fine, and if you are not pushing hard you may not make mistakes but we all need to keep pushing hard every day and if you do make a mistake, try and be honest with yourself, was it something which you could have avoided, or was it just some learning you need to do, but whatever you find out learn from it.