Make Life Easier

Make Life Easier

Have you ever been driving around looking at properties for sale and see a sign in the front yard, but there is not a price on it? And you are just wondering how much it is. Well Berkshire Hathaway Home Services has created the best real estate app ever. You can search anywhere, any state, and city. One of the best functions is the "Search Nearby" tool. This is where you can find out how much that house is with the sign. There are so many features to use. You can look for open houses, what's new to the market, what has recently sold nearby, price changes and even nearby for rent. And if you really know what your criteria is for a property, then try the advanced search function. You can save your searches, save your favorite properties and even share them with family and friends. You can even share the app with anyone through text or email too. This app does it all, except write the contract for you. That's what I am here for. So download it for free and have fun searching.


