Make Letters of Recommendation Count
Recommendation letter is a document drawn for suppliers to demonstrate their ability to deliver the required level of service. Largely the buyer asks for recommendation letters in the section where he wants to gauge suppliers past experience in relation to category/work applied for.
It is important for the letter to spell out clearly that “you are good at what do” using all the nice words. Many suppliers belabour too much on nice adjectives and forget the main reason why the buyer asked for the letter.
In buyer’s mind, it is a recommendation letter, it will obviously spell out nice stuff about the vendor. However, the buyer is looking for specifics.
The buyer needs to know that you have adequately delivered similar good and services in the past. It is critical for the letter to spell out the specific services you offered.
Don’t assume the buyer knows you. They don’t! Remember sourcing services are largely outsourced these days.
“Company X is awesome! They have delivered our projects in a timely manner in the last two years” This an example of many vague recommendations that we encounter during bid evaluation.
Remember it is meant to measure your experience in relation to a specific category/work that you applied for.
Make your recommendation letters count, don’t be vague.
Naturally, you request recommendation from your clients, please guide them on the detail to include in your recommendation letter but be truthful.