Make $$$ an Instinct
Steve Adcock
The Coach of Millionaires || Mission: Help 10M people achieve financial freedom || Learn how to steal the habits of millionaires in my free newsletter
Let me tell you why most people aren't getting as rich as they hoped.
Because building wealth hasn't yet become an instinct.
Let's face it: Your instincts rule your life—every decision you make.
I'll be direct with you...many of you probably think you know how to get rich. But a lot of people have the formula wrong.
Stop me if you've tried this before:
You open a savings account. You buy a few stocks. You decide to start brewing your coffee twice a week to save money.
But what ends up happening?
You're still living paycheck-to-paycheck.
You still feel like you're not progressing because the bills consume so much of your paycheck. And you have little left.
To make matters worse – when this happens, you blame yourself:
So many times, this causes you to lose all faith in your ability to save because you think it can't be done or that everyone's out to get you.
And to make matters worse, you log onto social media and read post after post from rich gurus saying:
And the dagger in the heart:
Truth: All that stuff doesn't solve the root problem.
I knew you'd ask.
Building wealth isn't just about "saving" or spending less.
It's also not about trying harder, meditating, getting 50,000 steps a day, or taking cold showers like so many fake gurus like to claim.
The fact is...
It's a thousand times harder to go from $0 to $100,000...
Then it is to go from $100,000 to $1,000,000.
It's like the chicken and egg problem...
You need money. But the more money you have, the easier it is to make more of it.
What about when you're starting from square one?
I approach building wealth differently
Most people think that to build wealth, you must work a high-paying software job, cancel cable television, and brew coffee at home.
As long as they do those things, they'll be okay.
But they're wrong.
Don't misunderstand; increasing your salary is wonderful. After all, it's rarely a bad thing to earn more money.
And saving $3 a day brewing your morning cup of Joe is fine.
But the real answer is more fundamental than that.
The simplest and most effective way to build retirement-enabling wealth isn't just earning more; it's to steal the habits of the wealthy.
Think about it...
What if instead of cutting back on the little things you enjoy, you instead:
And not just save a few bucks here and there, but build more wealth than you ever imagined? Maybe even enough to retire early?
Wouldn't that be cool?
How much money stress would that eliminate from your life?
Imagine buying coffee out, choosing a nice restaurant to eat at, and picking up a couple of tickets to a sports game without worrying about the money.
Millionaire habits will get you rich
It's not your fault if you don't know how wealth is built.
Our educational system does a lousy job of teaching the basics.
I graduated high school without even hearing the phrase "compound interest." I mean, come on!
But here's what makes all this easier: Once you understand how successful people think and operate, everything becomes easier.
Whether you understand compound interest or not doesn't matter.
Best part?
You don't need a high-paying software job to build wealth.
Want to learn the habits of millionaires? My new book, Millionaire Habits, was just released. It will teach you the habits millionaires use daily to build wealth and stay rich without even thinking about it.
And I'm going to sweeten the deal. Buy a copy of Millionaire Habits, send me a screenshot of your receipt, and I'll send you a 100% off coupon to take my companion course, FI/Accelerator.
That's right. I'm offering my course for free to anyone who buys a copy of my book.
The course sells for $107. Getting a copy of my book is a no-brainer.
Thanks, and happy February!