Make The Impossible Look Effortlessly Possible
"...they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near the boat; and they were afraid." John 6:19 NKJV
What do you do when all the odds are against you? How do you respond when the resources you need to get work done have been taken from you and you're left alone with the expectation to still get the job done?
There are three ways you can respond to this type of situation:
- You wait to be empowered
This approach causes you to blame everyone for your predicament. You'll complain that there are no boats to take you to the other side. You'll become bitter at your team members for making things more difficult for you. And when asked why you've not moved an inch, you'll say, "I have no one to help me".
Many of us respond this way. Yes, there are demanding situations, but there's always a better way.
- You empower yourself
This approach is much better than the first one because now you're thinking of how to make things happen. You've been left at the shore and need to get to the other side. So, you ask for the closest place to get a boat or hitch a ride with someone going in the same direction.
When we experience such situations, the standard approach is to try and get the resources that you should have in the first place. This could take time and other investments, but you'll eventually get the job done. There is still a better way.
- You use what you have
The realm of genius is revealed when you can achieve the same results but with fewer and more unlikely resources. This approach will keep people in awe, and some people will become afraid of the kind of person you are. Creativity is at its peak here because the raw materials you use to do the task should never even have been considered.
You're at the shore and instead of asking for the next boat, you make a raft from the wood around you. Or like Jesus Christ, you walk on water. If Christ took a boat to meet the disciples, it would have been ordinary. But they had every reason to be afraid because what he did was beyond common sense.
How do you tackle tough situations at work? Do you complain about everything while staying in the same spot? Do you spend time trying to get the same resources back? Or do you think and do the impossible with what you have at your disposal?
Everyone can access the realm of genius. But only with the right mindset. Be like Christ.