Make An Impact with Your Writing
Juliet Clark
Platform Building with Integrity for Non-Fiction Authors, Coaches, and Speakers.
Let’s kick the notion that we’re just writing books to write books - and lean heavily into the strategy of writing to create a compelling impact around the world.
I hear it all from authors, when it comes to their big ‘why’ and often I hear marketing advice gone bad - the whole book as a business card approach - which is fine, as long as that isn’t your only reason to write. A good book, a successful book is full of sustenance and meaning, enough to make an impact. You, as the author, have to have something unique to offer, an insight or perspective that isn’t regurgitated.
And what does it really mean to make an impact??Professional Certified Coach, Executive Coach, and Doctor of Psychology, Kristina Liu wrote The Inside Out Journey on this topic exactly. She wanted to help her readers understand that learning in life, growth, and pivotal life moments are often the sustenance I am referring to. These are the gold nuggets of life that help us tell a story that moves people to action.
Author Breakthrough: The minute you start opening up, that’s when the beauty and the magic and all the learning and transformation happens.
“What I’ve learned is when you focus on striving to make an impact on people a little bit more directly, it gives meaning to their lives?Authors get into the process of writing and they forget why they started - so it’s important to have accountability check-ins with content to make sure the mission is aligned with book itself.” -Kristina Liu
Getting the Right Support
Kristina is an international best-selling author in seven different categories. She went to number one all over the place with her book The Inside Out Journey: An Elusive Search for Self Across Three Continents, so I want you to really think about what I’m sharing here. This is a pathway from someone who has done what you are trying to do - more than once. And one of her top pieces of advice is to bring in a team or coach that can help you transform yourself FIRST.
The right support for an author might look like a transformation coach, a book coach, an editor, a publisher - or all of the above. According to Kristina, it has been her experience that people are naturally creative, resourceful, and whole, they can get to their own answers and solve their own problems, with the right team around them.
Anything IS Possible
There are often parts of us who try to sabotage our biggest dreams. There is a voice we all have that tells us we aren’t good enough, that we will never make it as a writer, we’re not good enough, and so on. The real key to making an impact is being able to counter that voice with your “what-if’s”. Each time you silence that voice with a confirmation that you are capable, you grow. Right alongside actually writing, this is the most difficult aspect to putting your words in front of your readers. Believing that what you're doing is important enough to kill the doubt and go for it.
Author Breakthrough: Writing gives us?a productive way of sharing difficult emotions and feelings, but there is no catalyst for the reader if we haven't done the hard work within ourselves first to understand how to overcome those difficult things. It starts with you and your journey, this is how we create the biggest impact.
Choose Strategy Over Expectations
It’s so easy to plan out a map in our minds of what we think everything should look like. And in a way, when we do this, we are creating every excuse to quit. Because the moment something doesn't look the way we expect, we tell ourselves it isn't working and we throw in the towel. The better approach is to build a strategy that is focused on momentum, not expectations focused on an exact path.
“You need to be open to things that life presents to you. When you have expectations and things do not meet your expectations, you begin to have negative feelings, or you resist. That is when you do not get the lessons you are meant to learn. The minute you can release that, that is when all the good things happen. A great author has a strategy and a willingness to bend with the Universe.”
When you’re willing to get out of your own way, you will be amazed at how much impact you can create by simply being yourself and putting your words in front of your readers.
For more on building a?strategy for maximum impact, don’t miss the rest of this episode of Promote, Profit, Publish!