Make Honesty YOUR policy
Stephen Witt
Business Owner, Engineering & IT Business Systems Consulting, Volunteer Youth Sport Coach (mostly Hockey)
Honestly speaking ~ I’m going to be honest with you…
The phrase above is admittedly gibberish. I’ve never heard the 2 phrases combined but have heard them used separately very often. 35 years after entering the workforce (I started working in my early teens), I still don’t know what to make of the person that leads with either of these phrases.
I have always appreciated politely delivered candor and I hope that most of the people I interact with in business and as a coach appreciate it from me.
The reason I find the “honest declaration” lead-in confusing is because I don’t quite understand why it is needed. What was I getting before the declaration? What will I be getting going forward when that person doesn’t lead with the "honest" declaration?
In any case - part of my trust in the person that feels the need to declare that they NOW intend to be honest is now gone and while I’m not ready to declare them to be “the most dishonest person I’ve ever met” - which was the statement made by Jim Cutler regarding Harry Crane in Mad Men S7E3 that inspired this article - I’m also not sure where they now fall on the honesty scale, other than to say it is lower (full clip of that fascinating scene is HERE)
I’m not na?ve enough to think that lying to get what you want doesn’t happen on a daily basis with some people. With this said I will also say that if I don’t believe someone to be an honest person, I’m simply not doing business with them. The same is true with any team I coach. I want honest coaches & honest players.
If I don’t get your honesty then I'm not sure how you will get mine. Without a basic trust, we are probably not going to succeed and are essentially wasting each other’s time.
For the next 2 months I’ll be getting ready for the start of the High School hockey season. I kicked the season off yesterday with a written commitment to all prospects to be fair, honest & transparent when it comes to how players are selected and what they can expect from me during the season. This is the same way I kick off every project & program, and I can’t imagine doing it any other way.
Hopefully this honest approach to work & life will always be honestly appreciated.