Make This Holy Month of Ramadan More Blessed With Gift Islamic

Make This Holy Month of Ramadan More Blessed With Gift Islamic

There has been a strong bond of love and happiness of every Muslim with every blessed month of Almighty Allah. Throughout the Islamic year, every Muslim has been connected with his religious roots. The holy month of Ramadan has a special reward for every Muslim. Ramadan is the month of divine blessings and rewards for every of our Muslim fellow. Almighty Allah has rewarded the love and special blessing to all of his peoples in the world. But some things are of more significance that can be expressed as in blessed moments. No doubt that these moments have more significance than the rest of the other time well spent.

Blessings of Ramadan and Completion of Holy Quran

Ramadan is the month that has special importance for every Muslim. In which, Allah Almighty bless every of his follower with huge rewards and blessings. During Ramadan, Allah Almighty blessed all of us with uncountable blessings and rewards.

With the blessings of Allah Almighty, the Holy Quran was also completed in the month of Ramadan. Holy Quran is the biggest blessing of Almighty Allah to all of the people in this world. Holy Quran is the source of guidance to people from every field of life. We can learn the correct way of living in this world, the way in which we can have the rewards and blessings of Allah. Holy Quran is the best source to find the solution to any of your problems related to anything. This sacred book of Allah is a complete code of conduct to live your life prolifically and happily. Recitation of the Holy Quran is the best way to keep your soul deeply connected with the Allah Almighty.

The Quran 02:185 (Surah al-Baqarah)

Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was sent down

Special Night of Forgiveness

The importance of blessed night in Ramadan can be observed through the verse of the Holy Quran

The night of power is better than a thousand months. 97:3

We can just realize the importance of this blessed night in ten odd days of Ramadan from 20th to 30th Ramadan. The night full of rewards and special blessings from Almighty Allah is also known as SHAB-E-QADAR. The night of forgiveness for all the Muslims is one of the holiest and blessed nights of the year. It is also famously known as Lailat-Ul-Qadr, the night on which the Holy Quran was completed. Lailat-Ul-Qadr is a night full of blessings and rewards.

Thirty Days of Ramadan 

There are a special reward and blessings that are divided into three parts. The whole month of Ramadan is divided in three parts, first ten days, second ten days and then last ten days. Every ten days of Ramadan has specifically great importance in which it is named with the response to a special reward.

First Ten Days

The first ten days of Ramadan are known as “mercy”. In which Muslims across the globe worship Almighty Allah and ask for the mercy of Almighty Allah so that they can have a life full of blessings.

Second Ten Days

The second ten days are of ‘” forgiveness”. In these ten days of Ramadan, Muslims have a special zikar of Almighty Allah in which they ask for the special blessing of Almighty Allah and request for forgiveness. They offer special prayers to ask for forgiveness from Almighty Allah.

Last Ten days

The last ten days of Ramadan are dedicated to the worship of freedom from hell. In this decade, all Muslims pray to their Lord for freedom from Hell through acts of worship, charity, and remembrance. These last ten days of Ramadan have a special significance in which Muslims across the globe offer a special prayer known as Itekaf. This is a special moment for Muslims who offer Itekaf and keep themselves busy in the prayer of Almighty Allah throughout day and night. It has huge importance in the life of every Muslim. The desire of every Muslim to offer Itekaf is very special that can never be described in words.

The Month of Blessings for the Whole Ummah

The month of Ramadan is the best month for Muslims to express their love for the rewards of Almighty Allah. The prayers in this blessed month of Ramadan have great importance. Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar.

In the Holy Quran, it is stated 

Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was sent down as a guide to mankind, and it also has clear signs for guidance and judgment between right and wrong.

(Surat-ul-Baqara, 2:185)

Importance of Ramadan in the light of Hadith

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

O People! The month of Allah (SWT) has come with His mercies and blessings. This is the month that is the best of all months in the eyes of Allah (SWT). Its days are the best of days, its nights are the best of nights, its hours are the best of hours

Important Things to Keep Your Soul Connected with Almighty Allah

The best thing which every Muslim must observe throughout the year and especially in the month of Ramadan is zikar. Zikar of Almighty Allah throughout the day. This zikar keeps you connected with the fruitful benefits of rewards by Almighty Allah to his people. The zikar can be any verse or dua of the Holy Quran that must keep your soul intact with the countless blessings of Almighty Allah.

Prayer Beads

Muslims often please themselves with zikar of Allah Almighty throughout the Ramadan. Many of them have special things like Islamic prayer beads or digital tasbeeh, which keeps them intact with their plans of keeping their souls connected to Almighty Allah, especially in Ramadan when people have special prayers to offer. In this regard, prayer beads and tasbeeh can play an important role as they will help you to count the number of zikar that you need to perform throughout the day. This is an important source to keep you internally linked Allah.


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