Make & Hold
Demand doesn’t care why Supply couldn’t get there on Time. It simply keeps Demanding until the Source is located. Business is War. Disruptions in Supply Chain are a direct threat to your Revenue Stream and Operating Income.
Asian Labor has always attracted the Big Multinational Converter and Chamber of Commerce Corporate Elites. Guaranteed PO’s and Floating Container Warehouses with consistent 10 to 12 Week Lead Times work well in a Stable Market. However, in an unstable and unpredictable - day to day pricing and availability environment - all bets are off. Thus, you can now throw your previously successful methods of resin and converter film procurement out the window.
Friendly Suggestion & Summation:
Seek Out, Research & Partner with - that has Regional and Strategically located Warehouses in the U.S. Use their Flexible Packaging Film Storage Space to Hold your own imported Roll Stock Inventory - until you need it. Negotiate 90 Day Hold Terms for all material on their floor - that hasn’t been released initially upon arrival - on an already dedicated Purchase Order. It’s the Best Business Insurance Policy you’ll ever invest in during this Global Polymer Resin Reset. Yes, Reset ... because nothing is a coincidence in Business. It's fluid and changing every day due to AI and global geopolitical factors
Profit is always the Priority. The Injection Molding Segment presently commands higher Margins than Packaging Film Resins. Thus, the Global Impact on this less profitable segment of - Food for the Poor / Packaging Film Resins - is now at a deficit.
Business is War. Don’t Hesitate. Accept this current Reset and Adapt. Find a Good American Flexible Packaging Distribution Partner. Make and Hold, simplify your Supply Chain and survive to swim another day in the Shark Tank.