Make Him Fall in Love with a Kiss

Make Him Fall in Love with a Kiss

Plant your lips on him so well that he won’t be able to stop thinking about you – until he can get you on another date and pull you into his arms again.

These are secrets about kissing that most women never learn from guys, and sometimes never learn that they’re actually turning him off with their kissing.

Make your lips so juicy he’ll want to literally bite them (but won’t)

Men literally respond on pure impulse when it comes to what we see. Those fruit advertisements where the strawberries are soaked with water, or those plump oranges that practically squirt their juice when peeled…

And guys are just as completely hypnotized by that bit of visual marketing.

You should market yourself with the same idea in mind: Make yourself look literally good enough to eat.

What you need to understand is that a kiss is a conversation…

Every time you kiss a man you’re communicating with him on a deep primal, genetic, animal level.

The way you tilt your head, how you hold your body against his, what you do with your lips and tongue

First, your kiss has to say “You are safe.”

You have to use feminine softness to invite him to let down his shields and reveal the vulnerable part of himself to you…

Because as long as he has his emotional “armour” on, it’s impossible for him to open his heart to you…

Second, your kiss must say “You are powerful.”

It has to feed the part of his masculine soul that needs the adoration and respect of his woman…

Third, your kiss needs to say “I give myself to you because I am valuable and you have earned me.

To make the testosterone thunder through his veins…

To make him feel like you are his to protect and cherish…

As long as you ‘say’ these three things to any man with your kiss he will be yours mind, body and soul… forever.

That’s a good question because it speaks to the confusion of love vs lust. When you kiss all kinds of nerve endings in the lips and tongue, our sense of smell, what we see in the eyes of our partner, touch, all of it amounts to a stimulating cocktail of endorphins exploding like a fourth of July / Diwali fireworks in the reward center of our brain.

We are biological beings and nature’s imperative is to make sure the human race continues to procreate. That’s why sex feels good. If it didn’t, there wouldn’t be whole lot of us around.

But now the confusion arises.

When I feel excited and turned on by my partner, does that mean I’m feeling love?

Unfortunately many believe this to be true. Being turned on is an act of lust.

Our bodies are revving up to procreate. It’s thinking ok we’re at first base now.

How do I get to second?

And third?

And, gosh, home plate? Now that would be the ultimate zinger.

At the same time if you want to kiss someone or are waiting for someone to kiss you, chances are you feel special.

Perhaps the kissing partner has signalled “I like you.

I want to be with you.” Now that’s quite an ego rush.

Someone on this planet not in my family really, really likes me. I will no longer be alone. I will be with my soulmate!

So when you mix these two things together, biological lust coupled (pun intended) with ego gratification, then you have what we popularly call love. And if you’re really astute you can already anticipate the problems that this set up will at some point bring up.

What happens when I’m no longer turned on by my partner?

That happens when I no longer feel special because my partner is being critical or we are having an argument?

 Where is love then?

During these times we are forced to recalibrate what love means to us. And if we’re lucky, then something more enduring will arise, something we might call true love that replaces the adolescent feel good at all times puppy love.

So the answer to the question is yes and no. :)

Fall in love with a girl walking on the sidewalk, after seeing her for about 5 seconds, as you passed by her in the car.  

What draws you to her, is a combination of things, I think. A combination of things that maybe subconsciously you are attracted to.  

Maybe her smile? 

Her nationality?

Maybe she is like me; alone in a world full of people. Confident, yet vulnerable. Happy, yet sad. Alive, yet having no one to really partner in sharing life with? Just a massive feeling. Love at first sight.  

Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensue discussion or debate.   

Thank you … Note: Kissing itself is really risky business anyway.  

The mouth is quite dirty, because we may chew up dead animals in there, and even pieces of vegetables may be stuck in there in various stages of rot.  

Blood and saliva are ways bacteria and viruses move from one individual to another. You can get lip stuck if it's really cold outside; for example there are some cultures where they don't even bother with kissing much, but rather they just rub noses to show affection. 

So falling in love is something that can happen a lot while growing up, and even a lot while already grown up. 

That's what the 'love' heart is for, so it's also strong enough to withstand any heartbreaks too, its part of the same package.

Want to add word or two?  

It depends on how you do it. What if I tell you that there are guys who never feels anything?

I mean they are not so much into love –– it's only for fun. And there are guys who fall on their first glance. Now your answer takes a new turn. It's about who does it.

Not long ago, a guy, who was very friendly with a girl, had a bad tragedy. He fell in love with his best friend. She was smart and beautiful at the same time.

My friend never planned anything with her, but that night they were drunk. They only shared a kiss together, and now he says he cannot unlove her.

While the other friend who had kissed more than 20 girls said he never felt any emotions with them. He only wanted to spend nights. No, he was not gay. For him, girls were like a drug. And like an addict, he chased new girl every time, to quench his thirst.

So it depends. It depends on how a guy sees them. It depends if he is playing or not. A kiss can change someone life, while it does nothing for another. It's a great puzzle, and our heart is a complex thing.

Kissing is still the best form of expression of love but both individual should be ready to do it and not just because one them want to kiss the other.

The first kiss would define the chemistry between two individuals and tell whether they feel being in love or not!

Point is, kissing someone will not make them fall in love but it define how much you are in love based on how you are in to that moment!

It’s the little things like how they laugh, or how their nose crinkles when they do, or the way their eyes light up, what touches their soul, their mind, how they treat others. It’s that uncanny connection, and the ability to be oneself …

But hey, that kiss.. yeah, that definitely works too



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