Make hay while the sun (hopefully!) shines
Cureton Consulting
Passionate about getting results for our clients, working with you to get results.
Some of you might remember the Social Media Summer Club I ran during lockdown back in 2020 (seems such a long time ago now, doesn’t it?). The idea was to help you take advantage of the quieter times most of us were having in our businesses back then, and brush up on your social media skills. It proved very popular at the time, but for one reason or another, I haven’t run another Summer Club since…until now!
The reasons I’ve decided to run another one this summer are twofold. Firstly, when the latest Social Media for Grown Ups programme finished after Easter this year, some of the delegates said they were a bit disappointed that they wouldn’t have any contact with me until the next cohort kicks off in October.
Secondly, although it’s nothing like lockdown, it must be said that the social media climate is very strange (and quiet) right now. And with the summer holidays coming up, things are likely to get quieter still. So, not only is this another golden opportunity to upskill yourself in social media, it’s the perfect time to get noticed online for the simple reason that there’s far less noise out there than usual.
Therefore, in response to client demand (and weird market conditions), Summer Club is back! It’s a four week programme starting on Monday 15th July at 2pm and is focused firmly on women in business who are struggling to get to grips with social media and/or feeling overwhelmed by all things online. In other words, it’s aimed at the same audience as Social Media for Grown Ups and will effectively act as a taster course for the October cohort.
The course will consist of four, one hour long sessions – all on Mondays at 2pm – covering the three key platforms: Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. There’ll also be accountability sessions at the end of each week to see how you’re getting on with putting what you’ve learned into practice, plus additional Q&A opportunities.
Summer Club will be hosted from a private Facebook Group, with the weekly sessions taking place live on Zoom. These will be recorded so don’t worry if you’re planning a holiday during the time the course is running – the recordings will be available in the Facebook Group until the end of August.
Of course, four one hour sessions won’t give us time to take a very deep dive into the three platforms we’ll be covering. However, we’ll be taking a whistle stop tour across four key areas to help give your social media presence a good boost over the summer. These are:
·???????? Optimising your profiles
·???????? Writing for your perfect customer
·???????? Building your audience
·???????? Increasing engagement.
As noted above, the Social Media Summer Club is essentially a trailer for the longer, more in-depth Social Media for Grown Ups programme. So, if you’ve been thinking about working with me but haven’t made your mind up yet, it’s the perfect way to dip your toe in the water and see what you think.
And for just £99 for the whole Summer Club course, it’s great value for money – especially when what you learn could make a big difference to your bottom line in the longer term. What’s more, if you decide to join the October cohort of Social Media for Grown Ups after attending the Summer Club, I’ll refund your £99 in full!
Sign up to the Social Media Summer Club today
To make sure everyone gets maximum benefit from the one hour sessions, I’m limiting numbers to just 15 for this year’s Summer Club. So, sign up today to make sure you don’t miss out and let’s give your social media the summer surge it deserves! Drop me a line at [email protected] to book your place, or give me a call on 0779 382 4628 if you have any questions. Speak soon!