Ramesh patra
Stock Market trader; Author of the Book "Success" defined in the new school. New Publication- "Breaker Candle Technique, your first step towards Financial Nirvana"
Make hard decisions fast.
When things get tough and you’re making decisions about money, finance, and business, make your hard decisions as fast as you can.
Successful people do this. They make hard decisions very fast. And often, people look at them and say, “That guy is just in it for himself. That guy is cold. That guy has no feelings.”
But that’s not it. The super successful people that accumulate tremendous wealth have learned to make hard decisions fast.
You’ve got to make your decisions like a business. Make hard decisions fast. Quit living with maybes. If you don’t want to do something, tell them this isn’t for you.
I’m here to build my business and I got to make hard decisions fast. If you want to be the boss, make hard decisions fast.
This is not a popularity contest. I’m not trying to “Win friends and influence people.” I’m trying to get my money right. But there’s another reason I make decisions quickly…
I make decisions quickly so I can sell things quickly
If you do things a certain way, you give yourself permission to ask other people to do the same.
Everybody sees what I do in my own life. Now I can ask you to do the same thing. I've given myself permission to ask people to do things faster. Make decisions quickly. Make decisions as fast as you can. You can always get more money.
If you’ve got to get the best deal and wait until it’s on sale, then guess what??Every customer you have is going to want the best deal. They’re going to wait until it’s on sale.
If you always need something extra, guess what? Your buyer will always want something extra.
If you’re cheap, they're going to be cheap. If you take a long time, they're going to take a long time. If you always need more information, they're always going to need more information.
Whatever you do, they are going to do. That’s the way the universe works.
Below are the few points you must consider while making the big decision;
Say NO and Move on
If the decision doesn't match your values and principles move on meaning you will have a lot of different opportunities in your life and when I say opportunities I'm not just talking about money and making crores I am talking about different relationships, people that enter in your life if an opportunity comes your way and it's very attractive but it doesn't match your values and principles that you'll live by. Don't even think twice about it move on that headache and you sleeping on a hard pillow at night is not worthy of you making that decision because then your mind is being consumed of something you did, that doesn't match your values and principles. the moment you're not unaligned you're not fulfilled and you want to enjoy yourself while you're doing that so it's simple decision doesn't match your values and principles don't even think about it.
What’s Your Alternative?
Let me explain to what I mean by what's your alternative, so you are getting close to making a tough decision right and you are like a little bit hesitant about it. You are not 100% there yet. Sometimes all you have to do is grab a paper and pen and say okay what's my alternative if I decide not to do this, what is my alternative. You look at a business you're about to do and you're going to work with somebody, I just don't know if I'm fully feeling it, is there an alternative and isn't enough because sometimes you'll have alternatives and the alternative will make even be more confident about the decision that you're getting ready to make.
you make the decision don't go back on
What I want to tell you is, often people make decisions and they're like I should made the decision what if I would have done this, the more you go there you actually get demotivated and you become bitter and you're not happy and you don't perform well and your business takes in. so let me explain once you make the decision stick to it so it doesn't matter if it's going to win. I have made so many decisions in my career buying investing selling so many have work so many have not worked but to sit there and relive it, and go through and say I made a big mistake every time I have gone that road it has never served me well. So for you once you make a decision don't go back on it again.
To your Breakthrough,
Ramesh Patra