Make It Happen Shock Everyone.
People around you who see your traverse towards your goal are just as audience in a game of cricket who will always have something to say to you on how you should have batted to win or you could have thrown a more swinger ball to hit the wickets but the point here is you should do what you feel, you should know what is important for you and how you will accomplish it. Make sure that one day they see you hitting sixes and getting shocked at how you were able to do it. They probably not know what you are going through when they are commenting on you.
No one knows from what circumstances you are going through so Whatever story of your life is, make sure it is written by you, not by the influence of other people who don’t even matter. It might have some and some downs. You must enjoy your ups but never lose hope at your downs. Bur remember “ Write Your Story Well”!!
You can even learn from the biggest brand “Nike“ has the perfect logo line ‘JUST DO IT’. Do it with all your dedication, with all that you have and you will be where you thought and the ones who thought that it wouldn’t have been possible for you will be in shock and will be the one believing in hard work when they get to know your journey.
Believing in yourself is as important as digging a seed in the ground which is going to grow one day into a beautiful flower, but if the seed is not there the flower is never going to be there too.
People will watch, some will love, some will criticize and some will hate too just make sure that the latter ones palm their faces hard when they watch you leading the way where you wanted to be. The more these people are surprised to see you there just know the more you have accomplished. Obviously, that is not the measure to know how much you have achieved but it is surely a constraint that will boost your confidence in the long run.
Where you stand in your thought process is the only essential thing, not others perspective on what you are and what you can do or what you cannot. Dream big and believe in achieving big and something big will make its way towards you for sure.