Make Habits, Not Resolutions in 2024

Make Habits, Not Resolutions in 2024

Make Habits, Not Resolutions in 2024

Now the turkey sandwiches are long gone and the champagne has been popped it is now to start acting on those new years resolutions you set over the last few weeks.?

However, amidst the optimism of resolution-making, stark statistics reveal a less celebratory truth: a significant majority of these well-intentioned commitments falter within the first few months. Despite the initial surge of motivation accompanying a fresh start, individuals often find themselves reverting back to their existing habits.

In response to the challenges posed by traditional resolutions, a paradigm shift is gaining momentum—one that advocates for making lasting habits rather than setting lofty, often unrealistic, annual goals. This shift recognises the limitations of the traditional resolution model and redirects focus towards building sustainable routines and behaviours. Instead of relying on the fleeting motivation sparked by the turn of the calendar, the emphasis is on understanding the psychology of habit formation.

We’re going to delve into the reasons behind the failure of resolutions, the science of habit-building, and practical strategies for embracing lasting change in the form of daily habits. In the pursuit of a successful and fulfilling 2024, we invite you to join us on a journey of making habits, not resolutions as we discover the keys to fostering habits that endure, promoting positive transformations that extend far beyond the fleeting enthusiasm of traditional New Year's resolutions.

Most Common New Year's Resolutions

Have you ever wondered what are the most common New Years resolutions? I can guarantee that we have all set ourselves at least 1 of these resolutions.

Fitness and Health Goals

  • Losing weight
  • Exercising regularly
  • Eating healthy

Personal Development

  • Learning new skills
  • Reading more
  • Taking up a hobby

Financial Resolutions

  • Saving money
  • Paying off debts
  • Lead how to budget

Relationship Resolutions

  • Improving communication
  • Spending more time with loved ones
  • Building stronger connections

Now, don’t get us wrong, these are fantastic things to aim for for but for us they are all a little bit meh, a little bit too generic, they don’t really inspire great action.?


You want something that you can get emotionally involved with when things get tough and every day life gets in the way.?

Why New Year's Resolutions Fail

The enthusiasm that accompanies the creation of New Year's resolutions often collides with a disheartening reality—many resolutions fall by the wayside within the first few months. Understanding why New Year's resolutions fail is crucial to breaking the cycle of unfulfilled aspirations and cultivating lasting change.

  1. Unrealistic Expectations. Setting overly ambitious goals can set individuals up for failure. While it's commendable to dream big, setting objectives that are too lofty can lead to frustration and demotivation when not immediately achieved.

B. Lack of Planning

Failing to create a detailed action plan leaves resolutions without a roadmap. A vague commitment to change without a clear strategy can make it challenging to navigate the journey toward achieving the set goals.

C. External Motivation

Relying solely on external sources for motivation is a common pitfall. While external encouragement can be uplifting, sustainable change requires intrinsic motivation—finding personal meaning and fulfilment in the pursuit of the resolution. Understanding the importance of intrinsic motivation involves recognising that the desire for change must come from within. External factors may provide initial motivation, but lasting commitment stems from a personal connection to the resolution.

D. Impatience

Seeking immediate results is a frequent contributor to failure. Change takes time. Embracing the journey and understanding the need for patience are essential. Acknowledging that transformation is a gradual process encourages perseverance and a more realistic perspective.

E. All-or-Nothing Mentality

Viewing setbacks as failures sets us up for guess what? Failure! Embracing a more flexible and forgiving mindset acknowledges that occasional setbacks are a natural part of the change process. Embrace a more flexible and forgiving mindset that allows individuals to learn from setbacks, adjust their approach, and continue progressing toward their goals.

So what is the alternative?

Making Lasting Habits Stick: Ditch Resolutions for Good

The secret to lasting change is in creating habits and changes to our every day behaviour. No more fleeting promises.

Habits, the ingrained behaviours shaping our daily lives, find their roots in the intricate workings of the brain. When we understand that each repetition strengthens neural pathways, making actions progressively automatic, we can begin to understand that with perseverance we can lay foundations that will benefit us long after January has come to an end.?

Bernhard Tewes, a Berlin-based hypnotherapist and founder of the HypnoBox app, says you can successfully form a new daily habit when three conditions are met:?

  • You realise something has to change immediately
  • You realise that you, and not someone else, have to make this change
  • You realise it has to happen now

When you meet these requirements, you’re more likely to change your behaviour.

Positive habits are formed when you repeat the behaviour consistently.?

A study from the European Journal of Social Psychology found an average of 66 days was needed to form a habit with a range between 18 and 254 days.

When you zoom in on why you want to make this change, you may discover some additional motivation to help you stick with your new habit.

Starting a new habit is often challenging, especially for entrepreneurs with a full plate. Try these tips to help:

Start small?

Embracing micro-habits, those tiny, manageable actions, lays the foundation for monumental change. From flossing one tooth to reading a single page, these seemingly inconsequential steps accumulate

Practical Tip: Incorporate one micro-habit at a time. Start with something simple, like drinking a glass of water every morning. Once it becomes a seamless part of your routine, layer on additional micro-habits.

Consistency is key

Establishing a daily routine provides the necessary framework for habit development. Whatever you want to achieve, put it in your diary. If you are like us, you can’t live without your digital calendar. For us, if its not in the diary it will be forgotten about before the 2nd cup of tea of the day but if we schedule it in, we will stick to it!?

Practical Tip: Create a visual calendar or habit tracker to mark off each day you successfully incorporate your new habit. This not only reinforces consistency but also provides a tangible record of your progress.

Don’t do it on your own

Sharing goals with others and building a supportive network infuse the journey with camaraderie and motivation. A shared sense of purpose transforms the pursuit of individual habits into a collective adventure.

Practical Tip: Find an accountability partner or join a community with similar aspirations. Regular check-ins, shared experiences, and encouragement amplify the sense of accountability.

Celebrate Small Wins

Acknowledging and reinforcing positive achievements, no matter how modest, sustains motivation and reinforces the connection between actions and rewards.

Practical Tip: Establish a reward system for reaching milestones. Treat yourself to something enjoyable when you achieve a set number of successful habit repetitions, creating positive associations with your new behaviour.

So now the new year is here and we have 365 days to make it what we want, it really is up to us to put the work in. We can make as many resolutions as we want but without doing the work by turning them in to habits, they will be over before we have even put the tree away for another year (It gets taken down on 12th night in our house). ?

Reach out today, lets work on Worthy Goals to get you what you want and I’ll show you how to get it!

Lisa Victoria Harper ??

"Unlock Your Full Potential: Empowering Individuals and Teams to Reach Greater Heights!"

10 个月

Great post Tony and I've shared.

Khadijah Jabbie Jaiteh

Registered Nurse | Team Leader @ Utility Warehouse I help families in the UK ???? earn a substantial extra income working from home. Reduce the cost of your household Utility Bills by bundling with UW.

10 个月

I like this approach, thank you for sharing Tony.

Elaine Milton

Employee Relations and People Advisor: policy development and execution, contract management, union relations, materials development, lecturing and training.

10 个月

Fantastic post. I am no expert but my music teacher gave me a tip which works for me in respect of entrenching new habits, particularly those that fill me with reluctance. Long ago, she gave me an old-fashioned, hourglass type 5 minute timer - one of those with the sand- and said I only have to practice the piano for 5 minutes each day. This was doable and I would set my hourglass and lo and behold, by the time the sand had run out, I wanted to do a bit more. Now I use the hourglass for all the things/habits/ resolutions that fill me with reluctance- I started with 5 minutes worth for each thing per day- 5 minutes meditation, 5 minutes of new language learning, 5 minutes of stretches/running on the spot or whatever. I have progressed beyond the five minutes for some of the things like the language learning but with some of the items, I still struggle to get to the five minutes and I literally will the sand to run out quicker but at least I am making little bits of progress in respect of my resolutions/goals/habits every day, right? I am going to use the timer for house cleaning today- just five minutes!

Melinda Newman

Multi Award Winning Chocolatier | Handmade Belgian Chocolate Corporate Gifts | Helping small to medium Businesses achieve their search for outstanding Gifts by providing a stress free Belgian chocolate gifting service

10 个月

I’ve never been one for New Years resolutions but I am setting goals and breaking them down into manageable milestones ??

Sonal S.

Speaker | Author |Women In Tech Advocate | Vice President Barclays |UN UK Volunteer | Program Projects | Rising Stars x2 winner Tech100 Diversity | Multiple Award Winner

10 个月

What a great approach lots of great useful info in your article Tony Vout



