Make Gratitude Your Default Setting
Dr. Lisa Helton

Make Gratitude Your Default Setting

Gratitude means counting your blessings, appreciating the simple pleasures, and appreciating everything you have. By practicing a daily habit of gratitude, you will begin to see and think differently, especially during moments when you feel stuck in a rut. Regardless of where you are in life, your focus can be shifted toward the positive. When we shift our focus from the negative to the positive, it helps us to see the situation more clearly, we stop worrying, and we open our minds to new solutions. Gratitude can be broken down into three steps: we recognize what were grateful for, we acknowledge it to be true, and then we take a moment to appreciate it.

Studies indicate that beginning your day with gratitude can rewire your brain to have a more positive outlook on life. Gratitude is a way for us to appreciate our blessings in life and lessen our feelings of constantly failing or shortchanging ourselves. For example: Today, I am grateful for…

1.     People who support me and have taught me much about myself

2.     Waking up today feeling joyful

3.     My work that allows me to make a living doing what I love


