Make good use of the Worst
Samson Mung'athia
A world-class Inspirational and Motivational Keynote Speaker, Author, Trainer and Consultant skilled in Business, Leadership, Governance, Social Change and Innovation.
When Covid-19 hit our country and everything came to a stand-still following government's guidelines and restrictions, I was caught unawares and placed in a tight corner.
I had just left employment a year before to focus on my public speaking career. The one year had gone down with me doing what I would consider to be "laying foundations" in my new field of interest. In this period I had spent the meager savings I had saved before leaving my former job and gotten pretty well into debts.
Now with Covid-19, things looked even more bleaker. All the events I had managed to secure for the year were now gone and many of the promising appointments cancelled. I was crippled in a sense, I could not host meetings or events of my own and there was literally nothing going on in the corporate world in form of events or seminars.
The Covid-19 situation put me in an awkward situation; lots of time and nothing to do yet I needed to keep the life going and meeting all my obligations. I had to retool myself and face the uncertain future with zeal courage and strength.
I had to make good use of the worst moments at hand.
Being an avid writer (and a published author), I turned to writing to sustain myself. Through referrals from friends I got writing gigs (both academic and article writing) and this sorted my bills. But I still had a lot of time in between the gigs that I had to put into use.
I pulled out my dream-book and decided to work on one of my dreams; to write and publish my Third Book. Over the time and through the series of lock-downs and Covid restrictions I penned the self-help master book titled INSPIRED TO INSPIRE.
Now the book is with my publisher; Sahel Publishing Association and hoping it will be out in a month's time.
And as the Covid crisis continue, I have set my eyes on another dream; writing my Fourth Book. To this end Covid-19 has catapulted my dreams.
Make good use of the worst at hand as you wait for the best to come.