Make The First Move
You have the power to change what’s normal.
You falling for a cute guy, but just don’t know how to ask him out without sounding desperate?
We’re progressing in wonderful ways, ways our fore mothers would be so deeply proud of, ways our fore mothers wouldn’t have even known needed changing.
You’ve met an interesting guy and want to go on a date with him. The question is how do you make the first move without looking desperate or being rejected. Well, here is the secret the way you ask him out.
Want more than anything else in the world to ask the cutest guy out, but you melt when you're near him? Everyone knows that it's never easy to do something like that, no matter how much experience you've had.
The good news is that this article's going to help you with that. You need to ask a guy out by going up to him, hanging out with him, asking him out and then seeing what he says to you. If he says nothing just move on to another person, but don't forget your feelings about him because he might like you and he will unless he doesn't think about you more because you asked him out. Boys can either ask a girl out or a girl can ask a boy out, it goes either way.
If you want to tease a guy into going on a date with you, avoid giving him the signs first by being flirty and then asking him out on a date. This may just creep him out if he's not ready to make things formal. Instead ask him out casually to check out a new bar or restaurant that has opened. You’ll end up sitting there for a dinner or drink.
Never ask a guy out in front of friends-his or yours! They would make it awkward and could pressure one of you into a decision. It's best to do it alone, so he can make his own choice.
Make yourself the focus
It may help if you make yourself the centre of attraction and focus on yourself. Tell him that you are going are going to grab a coffee today and he could join you if he likes. This is something a guy can rarely ever turn down if he's interested. It is indirect yet casually exciting for a guy.
Invite him to join you
Keeping it simple and light is the key to asking a guy out without him knowing it!
If you are running a few errands on a Sunday afternoon or simply renting a DVD, ask him to join you. That way you will end up doing something non-date-like and spending time together. It will also help you realize if you are comfortable around him and whether you would in fact want to go on a typical date with him.
Tell him about how you love desserts
If not every guy, every girl loves desserts! Tell him you have a sudden craving for a chocolate cupcake or ice cream, and take our word for it; he’ll make sure he takes you out to get it. perfect way to spend time together.
Movie time
If you're too scared to ask a guy out that you like, try getting him to notice you. When he walks by you say hello or stare at him passionately to tell him something. If you think that's a bad idea then try finding out where he hangs out and walk by. Look at him and smile. Then talk to him a bit and get to know him. If he has friends that are girls ask them what he's like and then either go for a direct approach or ask him to a movie and say it's with him and some of your friends (that way it's not so awkward).
If there is a new movie in the theater, bring up a light conversation and ask him if he would like to watch it. If he says yes, your job's done! Buy tickets and head straight to the theater ;-)
Ask him for help
If you are having trouble with understanding something at work and need some help, choose your moment. This is the hardest part because it takes bravery to go up to a guy who's been to your liking such a long time. And if you really really can't ask him out try telling him that you like him, when you do ask him out that he'll say yes since he's had time to get used to the fact you like him. Some guys freak out at first, so that's why you sometimes get rejected by them!
Don't forget to smile every time that he is looking at you. That gives him a little more than you are just friend he might also like you if he smiles, stares, or even acts odd when he's around all his friends, and your somewhere near him.
Don't spend forever trying to figure out how to ask him out, because that chance won't be there forever.
You will have better results if you ease in with an unrelated request.
Here’s an example of how this could work:
You: “Excuse me, do you have the time?
Man: “Sure, it’s 3:30.”
You: “Oh, good. Then I’m not late. Would you like to grab a coffee?”
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