Make Failure Your Best Friend Forever
If you ever wondered why so many people struggle achieving their goals its likely because of a fear of failure. There are many things which cause people to fall short at reaching their goals but today I'm going to share some things which will help anyone manifest the exact outcome they imagine and make failure their very best friend forever.
Thanks to the gift of free will we can use failure one of two ways. We can take the instruction others offer which intends to only help you live your life and live it more abundantly or we can choose to do things our own way putting our mistakes into the position of becoming our greatest teacher.
What you will find if you choose to go your own way with everything is that, had you taken the original path offered by others you would have learned just as much in failure by only the lack of experience and saved a ton of time not having to fail due to lack of knowledge or awareness since those who offered it gave that to your beforehand.
Never take advice from only successful people because the ones who can teach you the most about what success really looks like are those who have failed the most. This is because they know more about what doesn't work which defaults into what works the best.
The failures are caused by two things; lack of experience or lack of knowledge and awareness. We don't need any help from others to reach our goals and that is a common trap of self-deception too many people become ensnared by. If we need to learn something to accomplish what we're after we must take an approach to learning that is out of the box and unconventional to everything we've ever been taught.
Never think you need schooling, or some course to learn the thing you need to accomplish your goal because if you do then you'll most likely blame the lack of funds for being the reason you couldn't accomplish it; making the thing you blame your master.
This is where a willingness to fail comes in and refusing to let any obstacle of lack get in your way. The world is upside down and because of this there are literally millions of solutions begging to exist in the world of right side up.
We make things more difficult than they must be when we set out to accomplish something we'd like to create for our lives and believe, think and feel that those things we desire to manifest are just too difficult.
It's this overthinking which leads to self-judging the outcome of things before we even consider taking action on the first things required to start our journey.
Many outsiders will say that your idea is not going to work and then follow that statement with a reason why.
The people who say these things are making themselves so called experts on the subject because they love to judge the outcome of something before they even try and are negative people who lack confidence and are often called haters or obstructionists.
Isolate yourself from those who seek too much of your time so that you can get into the level of focus necessary to achieve the thing you’re working to achieve. Tell your spouses that every time they derail you from your goal they are blocking their own reward which comes from your efforts. Keep them away at all costs unless they are willing by miracle to join you in that which you seek to create.
It has been said you can have love or money, but you can’t have both. If you choose to accept this than it will be as they say. But if you chose to take the part against the desire of your partner be prepared to lose that relationship to another in the form of adultery or cheating, unless you can recruit them.
At some point in your life you may have said similar things when someone told you of a job that you could get; if that point of your life placed you in a position of being unemployed and your response was they won't hire me because of this or that and the reasons that follow are never important but are appropriate for us to consider as the reasons we won't try.
What is important is that we learn to be more aware of the judgements we place on things before we attempt to do them. We don't have the ability to see the future because if we did we'd all use it to win the lottery and go from their paying everyone else to build the life only you were meant to build.
We don't know anything about the outcome of something until we try and if we are all honest its fear of failing at the thing creating doubt, disbelief and lack of trust in the thing which makes us GODS and that void of belief is keeping us in that state of constant judgement.
In many cases too many people when their young discount the value of moving around jobs until their find their passion because they won't try new things and yet these ones remain in a state of uncertainty regarding what to do with their lives and often become the hustlers of life living on or off of everyone or anyone else while at the same time mastering their life by manipulating and deceiving everyone into doing their bidding because they don’t know any other more morale or pure way.
The mechanics of the Law of Attraction (This is really the word of our living eternal father in heaven who through our brother Jesus sent this instruction to man so that we might have life and have it more abundantly.
Jesus told doubting Thomas that we were GODS which is to simply say we are creators emulating our living eternal father in heaven who loves us all.
Jesus said the father is in us and we are in the father, he also said the kingdom of heaven is within us as we are within it. The thing he speaks of many today call the law of attraction keeping everyone from the power it holds to yield limitless power to transform your life into exactly what you imagine it should be and nothing less.
What is keeping man from having the things they desire is desire and want itself wrapped in expectation for things that will never manifest because the ones practicing this don't know the one and only thing that makes it all work every single time.
What is that thing you say?
It's the mind of Christ and this is the second mind that is within all of us, but that mind does not dwell in the head of man but in the heart.
The reason for the epic failure with the law of attraction is that is excludes the creator in you and our living eternal father in heaven because everyone takes their focus and places it in the other mind the animal mind the one that is assumed to be in the head of man but is better known as the carnal mind and here is where all doubt, rebellion and resistance lives and consumes the emotions and thoughts of man. Many men are led by emotions which is backwards because it’s man who must control the emotions. Any one led by their emotions have made emotions their master and know not how to control their own lives or create any good thing.
Our brother Jesus said that if we wanted to do greater things than he did via the miracles he demonstrated while he made is terrestrial visit to earth that if a man wants something he must cast his desire into his heart and act as if he has already received it which means holding an expectation for something to happen which has already happened is pointless and will produce nothing you were after.
This failure by design should encourage you to try again if you are determined to reach the goals you are after but for many once someone puts what they wrongfully think, feel or believe is a religious spin on it lose all interest.
The truth is the living eternal father according to our brother Jesus only acknowledges one true religion and that is taking care of the homeless and widows so stop blaming religion for all that causes you to puke where our father is concerned and realize that judgement of him comes back to you when you face the gates of heaven you wrongfully think a belief has the power to make non-existant.
In emulation of our living eternal father in heaven and our brother Jesus we do not raise our children to worship us nor do we require they do any special thing to receive our love for them. We do not call their love for us a religion of any kind we just refer to it as love, so must everyone think of our father and brother Jesus this way.
The frequency of love is the most important element to achieving what we desire when we place our dream within our heart. In order to actually do this, we must day dream and create a world separate from the one we are consciously plugged into. It's a place in our heart mind aka mind of Christ where we can create whatever we desire with no limits that has the power to change every dark we see in this world and no force of darkness can stop it as the Bible says it's limitless because it exists in a place no one can visit but you.
We must choose to create the thing in our hearts (not our head) with love and act as if we already have it because in that world we already do.
Instant creations abilities exist in that world we create there in the heart mind and it will mirror this world once we take action in this world on those things we know exist there.
To force it to materialize into this plane we must continue to day dream while we are awake and doing other things in this woke realm of consciousness we all call reality so that we cast that day dream into the material world of water or currency (energy in the water) something we call money.
Fail as fast as you can when you attempt to learn things the hard way so that you become an authority on what works by the experience of trial on what doesn't work.
Do not judge the thing you do when you practice it, hold no (zero) expectation on the result or outcome and just keep taking action on that thing until repetition yields the desired results of you doing that thing which you never did before. Shadow the steps of others until you master walking on your own.
Make failure your very best friend forever until you learn a better way to manifest your desires using the word of our living eternal father through our brother Jesus who showed us the way to live and not die.
He said he is the way the truth and the light and that no one comes to the father without him. We must trust this with all our hearts to have the promised outcome.
Never say in your mind I want a thing or you'll forever have nothing but want for it.
Never say in your mind I desire a thing or you'll forever have nothing but desire for it.
Never say in your mind I hope for a thing or you'll forever have nothing but hope for it.
Trust the father and our brother Jesus and follow his instruction to the letter and then you will know you have it because no one can undo or take anything away from you or destroy that which you create in that heart mind.
It exists and is as real as anything you claim reality has. If you don't trust those instructions blindly then you will never know the thing you seek is real and therefore will never experience it in this realm.
Next realize that you can never own anything and that you are only able to use it as long as you wish and when you declare the thing into existence use the words of creation in emulation of our living eternal father in heaven.
Let there be XXX; where XXX is the thing you create into your world.
This can be used for better relationships, wealth, prosperity and abundance but will only be given to those who use the fruits thereof with or for others and promote the interests of others before themselves not living life selfishly knowing we are all one and there is no division in heaven.
Realize everything we do is for our family and that family is larger than you’ve ever known. Remember we are all one and all our in that family.
All of you and I are family the good, the bad and the ugly. It’s something we already accept now just extend it’s benefit for all beyond yourself so it will yield the largest results.
Let go of guilt and shame over money preventing you from having life and having it more abundantly and realize the only reason you live life in lack is because you create it by your guilt, shame and fear of failure.
The way you remove guilt, shame and fear is by forgiving and forgetting the trespasses against us which came of our brothers and sisters who at some time did us wrong. This is essential as it not only opens up the gate to receive in this world/realm it enables your heart mind to be free of the self-imposed bondage you place on yourself which would cause you to make the wrong choice when you die and take the trip to hell instead of walking through those gates that lead to eternal life.
If you realize the living eternal father in heaven and our brother Jesus do not force anyone to choose hell, it's rather the state of a man or woman’s heart when they stand before it that compels them to hold onto their hatred of a origin that led to complete and utter misunderstanding of who our father and brother really were/are.
We know Jesus said his people parish for a lack of knowledge and this is the reason so many reject the instruction offered and was never forced on them.
Commandments are not orders they are optional instructions which intend to help man and woman live life and live it more abundantly and nothing more.
Man and woman choose hell over heaven when they die only because love and hatred transcend the veil of terrestrial and celestial life. The animal body is what has died and perishes, and the celestial body lives eternally either in hell or heaven, but both are the direct choice of the ones who pass over.
Once those who choose hell grow tired of self-hatred/destructing they chose to reincarnate where their past life memories are wipes with only fragments of them remaining until the age of seven. This gives them another chance to find their way home and make the wrongs they believe led them to making that decision to not enter in and return home.
To enter heaven, we must trust the father didn't create us to make us his slave, but ironically those who think that way have chosen in this world to worship a government who does seek to control every aspect of you and your life and decisions. Govern means to control and command means to instruct you now know the difference. I would rather have instruction than control over my mind so I chose the father and our brother Jesus.
Failure is a byproduct of doubt due to guilt and shame over not doing something right which we instantly knew was wrong before we did it.
Clear your carnal mind so it can not interfere with your heart mind (mind of Christ) and realize that nothing the living eternal father gave us in his testimony was bad for us. If any of you readers want to know the cause of all war and craziness in this world and wrongfully blamed the living eternal father in heaven do this no more. Below is the truth you seek.
We are sent here to be the change he desires to see in the world as we are those courageous spirits that said yes to come here cleaning up after the fallen immortal angels who have been the ones running this world since the days in the garden with Adam and Eve and have deceived the nations into believing a series of lies regarding our origins like evolution or Big Bang, lies about planets, stars, outer space and a globe earth to promote the agenda which intend to cause us by those deceptions to give them the keys of this kingdom that dominion over all the earth our living eternal father and our brother Jesus gave to us once they and the angels finished making this world from the father and our brothers creation. (when they designed this place before they formed or made it).
The fallen angels are immortal and do not die which is why they promote war, death and fear and in fact feed on it like food and use the mainstream media to keep a steady stream of fear going at all times which keeps people from having all they could while they struggle to figure it all out.
I am but a messenger and this blog post are not my thoughts or ideas but are instead the words which flow through me as a faithful fearless messenger who loves to raise his voice and make the right choice so that you all including the fallen immortal brothers might have a chance to come home and see why the father and our brother created and made us to begin with.
Man was to teach these fallen immortal angels how to achieve perfect love.
The war in heaven was caused by the father in heaven and our brother Jesus (in his celestial form) asking the angels whom also have free will to serve us after they helped make the earth we were given dominion over.
A third of them despised this request and out of anger and jealousy charged our father forcing the obedient angels to cast them down to dwell with us.
Just realize that the word says it took 7 days to create and make the earth and everything in it; but it also says one day in heaven is as 1000 earth years which means it took 6000 earth years to make this place we live today.
Also know that the very technology and cities we see today were created that very same day and were not built by man and that those days we had greater technology than we know now as it says in the Bible there is nothing new under the sun it all existed that very first earth day of creation.
Do not be deceived.
Those fallen host murdered Adam and Eve many times and our brother Jesus was forced to resurrect them after ever murderous attempt and when that was not enough sought to destroy man's seed when they decided to make children with Eve by deception which is the first child Cain as she was told to give to her husband Adam who did eat and she carried Cain the seed of the fallen and Able the seed of Adam at the same time and gave birth to twins of two different sires.
This caused the flood and it didn't eliminate the fallen immortals only their offspring which were considered an abomination. This led to our fall as well and we have been struggling with this ever since and is the very reason we seek means of self-hatred, self-destruction and have a hard time succeeding.
Keep in mind a ton of the rags to riches stories we've been exposed to and have read up on are a fraud as many of these people were never poor and never from poor families it was made to appear that way though and that was to get others to feel inspired to reach those same goals only to find nothing but bankruptcy as they try.
This led many to believe that selling their soul to the devil would yield the promised results which many wrongfully think was magic when in reality was nothing more than the fallen of this world giving a taste of that life to them because we gave them that control and have not claimed it back from them.
The way we claim it back is the very way we manifest a different world than the one they seek to create and destroy at the same time. We are the sons of that same living eternal father in heaven and can claim our birthright anytime we choose back from them. They were never given any power here as it was exclusively ours because we were made to be more loving.
Our power is our voice and love is our choice to forgive and forget all they have done to us while we should be grateful they have taught us this lesson.
Because remember I said before we only get out of life what we put into it and we choose to have our mistakes be our greatest teacher when we chose to not take the instruction given to us of our living eternal father in heaven which led to opening the way for them to take that birthright from us therefore all that has ever happen here was and always will be our fault.
This means everything those who hate the living eternal father or our brother Jesus for doing was never in their control as we were given gifts to choose our reality both here and there. We chose to do nothing while the world murdered itself because we were deceived by the fallen into living in fear someone could actually do something dangerous to us. Which they can’t.
Don't shoot the messenger as these words are not mine, know I am doing as I promised I would when I chose to come here and build a world outside of that dark box we all live in. You can join me by helping anyway you can by being a volunteer to build a company that seeks to be a sustainable blessing to all with a new out of the box model that puts us all in the position of ownership and profit.
Jesus won't say to me what did you do for me in your life because I do this for him now. We built the company for him and will run and operate it as if he was here running it himself. We’re committed to making this the heaven it was meant to be and ignoring what the darkness has been up to.
Love is the power that creates all you ever wanted and it was love that created this place.
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