Make Exercise Fun
Brian Kreitzer
Healthy Lifestyle Specialist | Natural Health & Wellness ! Senior Athlete | 2 X Boston Marathon | Motivational Speaker | Success Mentor | Team Leader | General Contractor | Weight Loss Specialist ! Gig Income Advisor
I was trying to scare a Feral Cat when a Beaver Splashed into The River and with a Whap, Smacked the water with his tail as he went under. A beaver is not something you see every day, especially not one that close. It was the high point of our walk.
Why the story? Because exercise has been the primary tool I use to help keep me in shape and keep my weight in check. It has been my secret go to weapon for over 23 years when it comes to getting and keeping those unwanted pounds off the waist line
Even with amazing benefits many people struggle maintaining a consistent exercise program. Here are a few of the things I have done to do make exercise my friend and something I look forward to doing each day.
GET OUT OF THE HOUSE: There is something to be said for Fresh air and a change of scenery.
MAKE IT FUN: There are so many ways to make it fun. Use your imagination. Play games with yourself or the person you are exercising with. My wife and I try to guess which river cruise boat will be at the Dock. How many cars of a certain color will you see that day? Or a certain type. It doesn’t need to be much just something to spice up the regular routine.
BE GRATEFL: I take time during my routine to stop and Yell Thank You at least 7 times. It really does help to be grateful for even the small things. Some of the things I mention are my wife and family members. The weather. Being able to exercise. Just saying Thank you helps. This little thing I do has bought the occasional Amen, and even a Hallelujah or two. ?
FOCUS ON SOMETHING POSITIVE: Learn to master those negative thoughts. If you focus on how much it hurts that is what you will see and remember. When you focus and train your thoughts to look at the good and positive, it will keep you going even when you might feel like stopping.
EXERCISE IN ALL KINDS OF WEATHER: Play in the rain, Jump in the puddles. Notice how quiet it is after it snow’s. You will also feel like a super hero when the weather is challenging. Release the inner child.
USE THE TIME TO MEDITATE AND THINK: As you exercise, do self-evaluation. Think, ask and listen to your answers to life changing issues.
CREATE A STREAK: Record each day you exercise. Can you make it for 30, 60, 90 or even 365 days? How long can you make your exercise streak?
Here’s to seeing you out there having fun and enjoying the journey.