Make Every Moment Count
Lovina Gidwani
Wellpreneur? - Ageless Lifestyle & Peri2Post Menopause Coach ||Spa Development Expert || Corporate Wellness Mentor|| Author of 'Twinkle in Your Wrinkle' Newsletter||
Welcome to yet another glorious year! I hope that all of you have stepped into this year – without any pressure that might drag you or hold you energetically back.
Yes, because the problem lies in the fact that, in this fast-paced world, in the quest of 'having it all', we have become over-achievers living in a constant state of 'overwhelming stress' that silently erodes our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies.
Then, at the end of each year, we take holidays to spend time with family and friends - feeling hopeful, motivated and enthusiastic about a 'new' beginning. However, we are unable to sustain these feelings for a long time.
Simply because we accept stress as a given, and mindlessly step into a 'new' year with our 'old' baggage of stress. Sadly, the burden of this weight compromises our intrinsic strength, balance and motivation. This imbalance then takes many forms in our outer lives, including burnout, health problems, financial distress, and relationship issues.
The most important thing to understand is that – with this balance 'tilted', nothing on the outside can ever feel perfectly good.
Hence, as we stand on the threshold of yet another year, I wish for us to make every moment count. To be able to live life joyfully and with equilibrium.
My life stands testimony to this! By simplifying life, following a healthy lifestyle, consciously letting insignificant things go by, and adding value to every moment, I have found myself naturally in 'alignment with a more balanced life.
By being more kind and patient with myself, I have slowly mastered the art of shifting my focus away from the outer world and paying more attention to the inner world. This perspective has helped me to instil trust in the natural 'ebb and flow of life' and has brought about a sense of deep acceptance and calm.
In 2024, my seven simple tips for living more fulfilling moments are:
1) Meditate
Make meditation a way of life.
Meditation helps a section of our brains called the Me Center ( medial prefrontal cortex). This part of the brain processes information relating to ourselves and our experiences. When we experience an upsetting sensation, a strong reaction in our 'Me Center' is triggered, which makes us feel scared and under attack.
The benefits of mediation are two-fold: First, the neural connections to the 'Me Center' weaken, making our reaction less intense to stress. Second, parts of our brains known for reasoning strengthen, and we can deal with stress more rationally.
“At the end of the day, I can end up just totally wacky, because I’ve made mountains out of molehills. With meditation, I can keep them as molehills.” – Ringo Starr
?2) Nutrition
Next to breathing, eating is our most vital bodily function. Hence, we should make it optimally nutritious and consume a variety of foods that are appropriately prepared and eaten with awareness that helps to restore mind-body balance.
Enhance your positive mood by picking fresh foods (vegetables and fruits) and staying away from highly processed foods that are toxic. Finally, sip on a lot of clean drinking water to keep you hydrated, as many studies have linked moderate levels of dehydration with impaired mood, including lower rates of self-reported happiness and higher rates of mental health issues.
“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” – Thomas Edison
3) Movement
Make exercise an integral part of your life. It offers incredible benefits to both our mind and body. Exercise not only keeps the body young, but it also keeps our mind vital and promotes emotional well-being. One of the important advantages of movement is that it helps deplete stress hormones and releases mood-enhancing chemicals, 'Endorphins'; which help us cope with stress better.
" From an evolutionary perspective, exercise tricks the brain into trying to maintain itself for survival despite the hormonal cues that it is ageing".- John Ratey
4) Simplify
Each day, have a meeting with yourself to prioritise your goals. Instead of having a dozen goals or more, simplify it to fewer goals and give them your best energy. Similarly, in every area of your life, ask yourself – Will this simplify my life? If the answer is no, reconsider. Finally, do not forget to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Every evening, do something that brings you joy. That could mean dancing, listening to your favourite music, cooking, exploring new hobbies, or just spending quality time with family.
“I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures.” - Lao-Tze
5) Release
Even though we may try to stay optimistic, at an unconscious level, we accumulate many negative thoughts and feelings: fear, guilt, blame, anger, regret, that impacts our mental well-being.
Over a period of time, these emotions can build up and become self-destructive. Hence, it is best to release such feelings each day. Letting go of negativity can go a long way in making us feel lighter and brighter, giving us clarity to draw in more uplifting experiences in life. Feeling gratitude and focusing on things with deeper postive intent is the path to inner happiness.
" Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today?" - Mary Manin Morrissey
6) Disconnect to connect
One of my commitments to my mental and emotional health has been 'turning off the world' every night. Electronic stimulation has a way of staying with you as you try to sleep. Hence, I turn off everything electronic, including television, phone, computer, atleast an hour before I go to bed. This simple practice? has not only helped me to sleep better, but also keeps me energised and happy throughout the day.
“Unplugging is not about running away from the world but giving yourself a chance to run into yourself.” – Matthew McConaughey
7) Laughter
With all the daily stressors that surround us each day, it's important to laugh more to make life less serious. A good laugh is the most effective antidote to instantly easing our minds off stress. According to research laughing boosts our oxygen intake, which enhances blood circulation and lowers cortisol(stress hormone) levels. It is something that strengthens relationships, dissipates our anger quickly, and makes us more alert and focused. Most importantly it helps us to focus on gratitude.
"Laughter is one of the best medicines around for relieving stress and for creating a more healthy spirit. And, one of the greatest aspects is that it is free and can be done by anyone." – Byron Pulsifer
So, in this NEW year, keep smiling and with a 'Twinkle in your Wrinkle' write your own beautiful story!
Love & Light - Lovina