Activity is undefeated, when it’s productive or you have fundamentally advanced the process and have are action steps – the next meeting is set or the copy is ready to be produced, there is a campaign to create or referrals to make. The best way to ensure this will happen is to do the following three things:
- Before the meeting, prepare.
- During the meeting, determine the next steps AND set a follow up meeting with a specific date and time.
- After the meeting, efficiently follow up on the next steps.
Below are some tips on these three tactics:
Sufficiently prepare for each meeting:
- Schedule the actual meeting.
- Schedule a parking lot meeting for before and after the actual meeting. In the parking lot meeting, review strategy and topics.
- Communicate with others (if applicable) about their role and strategy.
- Collaborate with the others, where appropriate, on any materials being produced for the meeting.
- Send materials to teammates as soon as they are ready so they can prepare (not an hour before the meeting).
- Look at recent news of the company and industry.
- Pick a few first meeting questions and implication questions to ask in the meeting (do this for a first meeting or a 400th meeting!)
Determine next steps & set a follow up:
- Ask implication questions. i.e. What makes a good lead for you?Ask specific questions about the next steps in the relationship, partnership, or referral. Collaborate and set deadlines for when those things will happen.
- Immediately, update Salesforce (or the CRM tool you use) with detailed notes.
- Update all teammates involved in partnership and set appointment for live conversation to discuss.
- Complete any action steps within 2 business days.
Productive activity with meaningful outcomes makes every interaction count.