Make it easier for your techs to do their job
Douglas Marlowe
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Are your old processes helping or hindering the performance of your field force? We find a lot of WFM tools out there: Excel, Salesforce, post-it notes, email, texting, and dedicated WFM tools from a variety of vendors.
Are the ones you are using making it easier for your techs in the field?
You can help them. You need to help them.
- Pick a tool that is easily downloadable from the Apple and Google Play Stores
- Provide supervisors, leads, and managers with a desktop and mobile app to assign and track work
- Work with a company that knows how to quickly assemble your company information into usable databases
- In real-time, identify bottlenecks that get in the way of getting work done and FIX THEM
- Pick a One-Source-Resource that integrates with existing ticketing systems, immediately notifies techs of work based on priority, provides for secure messaging and job-details reporting, and reports changes in tech and work status in real-time.
- Set up Preventive Maintenance schedules so that PM work actually gets done
One tool, ForceSeer from opXL has these features and more. If you don't know about opXL, here's a little background. Formed in 2012 by Tom Gorman, a powerhouse in the industry, opXL set out to program manage enterprise-wide technology projects and won major work from the MSOs. opXL stands for Operational Excellence. Its what we do. We make it easier to get work done and done well, aligned with the goals of the business. ForceSeer is just one of the tools we built for making work easier for the techs. Check out Xpert University and Network360, too.
Doug Marlowe is a Senior Consultant for opXL