Make Donald Drumpf Again

Make Donald Drumpf Again

In a brilliant roasting by John Oliver on Last Week Tonight, Oliver spend 20 mins pointing to evidence supporting what we all (well at least most of us right?) know, that Trump, as a presidential candidate is a dangerous joke as well as being a serial liar.

He also pointed out that The Donald's family name was in fact DRUMF and he should (quoting The Donald's own words about Jon Stewart's original family name) "be proud of his heritage".

So Oliver has set up a website where you can buy caps "MAKE DONALD DRUMF AGAIN" and a Chrome plugin that converts the word Trump to Drumf in your browser!

Now I am probably not going to download the plugin (I have enough plugins in Chrome sucking up my laptop memory) BUT I still have my Obama '08 cap and I think it only reasonable I buy this one to show my lack of support.

I encourage you to do the same! While the cap is a joke, Trump as president is not. As Oliver put it: “At this point, Donald Trump is America’s back mole. It may have seemed harmless a year ago, but now that it’s become frighteningly bigger, it’s no longer wise to ignore it.”

Go (away) Drumpf!


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