Make a difference through education !
Times are hard. No question.
Jobs get questioned, running costs cut, investments postponed. Even with first vaccines being announced, uncertertainty over the next 12 months remains. Key question: when will a full recovery really kick off, and sustain for good ?
If you ask yourself this question, you must be very priviledged, lucky enough to be working in a usually strong economy, and, even better, with a functionning social care system like Germany, Switzerland or France. Even if you lose your job, or if your business goes bust, you are still eating every day, still chasing for the next Black Friday deal, and considering the different options for New Year's eve (you still have not dropped the idea that there will be a party somewhere, admit it). Your children may not go to school , but then attend their online classes. Your possible fear about the future does not extend to more than some months.
The reality is very different in most other parts of the world.
No need to quote here any statistics or report from any international organisation. You know already that education is the key of a community's development. Common sense will also tell you that, if securing basic levels of development was already a challenge anywhere before the COVID crisis, it has not become easier since. People focus on their own domestic fears, global trade has come under strain, corporations see their available budget plumet to forgotten levels.
"our world project" was started in 2018, and now partners with three schools in Ghana, Haiti and Uganda. Financing until year end is now secure, but until our local partner ultimately become self-sufficient, we are seeking your support for funding immediate educational costs through the rest of the 20/21 school year. This means per example for the school in Ghana: 2,200 € per month including the lunch for 170 children, or 12,9€ per kid per month.
On the long term, we devise plans together with the partner to expand their school’s facilities, building improved learning environments as well as practical vocational training and workshop spaces. The three projects are at different levels (s. website below), but each school already welcomes children as we speak, and each needs our help. If not today, very soon.
How can you help?
We have aggressively committed to seeing 100% of charitable donations spent on the projects themselves, and are currently seeking both private and corporate donations, for specific immediate initiatives as well as our projects generally. Please visit our website below for further information, and to get in touch - we’re looking forward to hearing from you soon!