Make a difference
Some have asked what kind of philanthropic work I do here in Asia. I admit lately it has been slow not because of lack of demand. There are refugees in Malawi that need attention and the situation in Myanmar has raised its profile lately but there is only so much I can do with my own resources. So I concentrate on my inner circle. Those closest to me who may need assistance to leverage themselves out of poverty. The fact is most have no clue of how to reform their lives and haven't the tools to do so. But if I can intervene in averting a life ending early it affects more than that individual but rather the whole family. Jesus said 'give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man a fish and you feed him for a lifetime' and yet it goes further than that as that man teaches others. I stopped giving cash to relief organizations years ago when I realized buying a plane ticket and delivering just $100 worth of goods locally went further than donating to most of the major charities with exception maybe of the Salvation Army. If you are retired and are wondering what will happen to what you have acquired in your lifetime once you depart this planet I suggest you forgo your instincts of leaving it for your kids. If you can travel, then do so. Go to Southern China, Southern Africa or Cambodia or the Philippines and experience the soul saving grace of direct action. Nothing you have done in your life will compare with helping build the lives of others. Remember only not to ever give cash but rather go to the hospitals, the markets and the schools and pay directly. To put things in perspective the Catholic Dioceses in Manila is the richest in the world and yet poverty fills the streets because of church doctrine superseding filling the need. In the end the soul you maybe saving may be your very own.
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