Make A Difference Monday
In today's iteration of "Make A Difference Mondays" lets talk about non-profit events. We have all had our share of rubber chicken dinners and midweek golf tournaments, so why do non-profits continue to do these types of events if we all groan the same way when the invitations come? BECAUSE THEY ARE INPORTANT!
In an era when we feel like we have done our part by watching a video or clicking a button, there is much more to be done. Keeping our communities engaged with in-person story telling and face-to-face connections is still important. Don't get me wrong, money is the lifeblood of every charity, but people are the muscle that puts that cash to work. Just like your business requires networking and direct customer engagement, the same is true for non-profits.
Events serve as a force multiplier in may ways. Not only are money and awareness raised, but through direct engagement, so too are empathy and compassion. So, the next time that invitation arrives for the gala that you will require you to dress up, don't roll your eyes. Buy a table or a team and bring some people that need to know about the things that are important to you. This is how we work together to make our communities stronger.
You can start by signing up for the Communities In Schools of North Texas All in For Kids TopGolf Tournament at
Better than another evening of doom-scrolling and watching garbage on TV. Who knows, you might introduce someone to their passion and they may make an impact on a kids life that no one else can.