Make The Days Count

Make The Days Count

Take the cue

What you see, what you think, what you feel, has a reason. What you happen upon, seemingly by blind chance, has a reason.

In all that you experience is the voice of your most authentic self, carrying an important, appropriate and timely message. Listen, and seek to lovingly understand what the experience of each moment is saying.

All the wisdom you’ve collected is speaking to you. All the possibilities that spread out in front of you, are calling to you.

It is not by coincidence that you are where you are. A whole set of thoughts, intentions and experiences brought you here.

All that you have learned and all that you have been through culminate in this place now. It is a rich and entirely meaningful opportunity that greets you and calls you to move forward.

Take the cue, feel the message of this moment, and go with it. In this time and this place, this life is yours with which to do great things. 

New set of possibilities

Somewhere out past where you’re now comfortable, there’s a pleasant surprise. Beyond what you already know you can do, there are exciting and fulfilling and new things you’ll be able to do.

There’s a very short distance between what you think you can do and what you don’t think you can do. That distance is the size of just one thought.

Once you decide that it is possible for you, it is possible for you. Once you have the thought that it can be done, it can be done.

The world you experience is contained within the world you expect to experience. Expect more, and suddenly a whole new set of possibilities will open up to you.

Ask yourself what you would like to be able to expect. Then go ahead and bring your expectations in line with your desires.

Each day is an opportunity to grow beyond yourself while at the same time more fully expressing your authentic self. Touch your highest vision, expect it to happen, and you’ll surely see your way there. 

Live your blessings

It is good to reflect upon thankful thoughts. It is even better to continually put thankfulness into action.

The way to be truly and fully thankful for what you have is to put it to use. Abundance grows more abundant when it is exercised.

Life’s great and wonderful blessings are not for hoarding. They are for living.

What’s important is not how much or how little you have. What’s important is what you do with it.

You won’t find richness in the objects of your desire. True richness comes in the living, dynamic expression and fulfillment of those desires.

Be genuinely thankful for your good fortune by applying that good fortune in an authentic, purposeful direction. Make good use of life’s goodness, and there is no limit to how valuable it can grow. 

Bring excellence to life

You cannot achieve excellence just by proclaiming it to be. Excellence is built in the details.

Attend faithfully and competently to the details, while staying true to your purpose. That is how to bring excellence into your world.

What is done with genuine love is done with excellence. Let love guide you in each moment, and you will consistently create excellence.

Excellence resonates with what is true, what is good and authentically valuable, with what is right. Work with honesty, integrity, and a commitment to truth, and excellence will permeate the results.

Intention is critical, yet excellence does not come from good intentions alone. Excellence comes from actions persistently and consistently guided by the highest and most authentic intentions.

In each thing you do is the opportunity to create excellence. Again and again, bring excellence to life, and live true to your highest purpose. 

To be effective

What is it that makes some people more effective than others? Is it skill, or luck, or secret knowledge?

More than anything else, it is a clear and consistent sense of purpose. When the objective is compelling enough, you will find a workable, effective way to make it happen.

To be effective, you must be effective toward some particular end. Clearly define, visualize and feel the reality of the goal, mentally weaving it into every part of your life.

Focus on why it must be done just as much as you focus on what is to be done. By very definition, an inspired performance requires inspiration.

Purpose provides that inspiration. Actions that clearly resonate with purpose will naturally gravitate toward higher and higher levels of effectiveness.

When it truly means something to you, you’ll do it very well. What’s even better is that in the achievement that surely comes, you’ll find great fulfillment. 

Positively frustrated

When you feel the need to feel frustration, go ahead and be fully frustrated. Then, be done with it and get on with making positive progress.

Though frustration can feel awful, it is not entirely a bad thing. Because frustration shines a light on your positive passions.

The only people who are never frustrated are people who never attempt anything. When you’re committed to creating real value, there is going to be some frustration along the way.

So go ahead and feel that frustration when it comes. Allow it, accept it and welcome it.

When you do, something interesting happens. As soon as you stop fighting it, as soon as you understand what your frustration is telling you, it goes away.

Peacefully let your frustration run its course, and listen carefully as it does. What you’re left with is a renewed sense of purpose and passion to move forward. 

Little slices

You don’t have to solve all the world’s problems before bedtime. Yet there is something you can do right now.

Do just a little, and it will make a difference. Then, do a little bit more.

Life can seem overwhelming, and yet in each moment it is easily manageable. Take one moment at a time, give love and effort and value to it, and then move confidently on to the next moment.

Live your life in wonderful little slices. Savor each one, discovering the unique opportunities for growth and fulfillment.

All the while, stay true to your authentic purpose. Do what you can and don’t worry about the rest.

In each little slice of life, it’s easy to be supremely successful at richly living. String those slices together, one by one, and the result is a beautiful life.
— Ralph Marston 


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