Make Customers An "Offer They Can't Refuse!"

Make Customers An "Offer They Can't Refuse!"

We all remember that phrase from "The Godfather" conjuring up a particular vision in your mind. Backing it was a threat, either implied or real (in the case of that particular Hollywood producer, very real).

But, for small business owners, you should think of using that phrase as the way you do business...except in a positive way!

Meaning that you make customers a great offer and back it up with your delivery on it. For a customer, ultimately, it's a "win, win." ?You make them an offer they can't refuse because they know you're behind it.

How often have you been offered a proposition that just seemed "too good to be true?" ?And, it usually was! ?Often, it really comes down to the reality of our times, our bad experiences and our own cynical expectations. Far too few businesses, consistently, under promise and over deliver.

Make "under promise and over deliver" become your operating philosophy. But, it's not for the faint of heart. It needs to permeate everything that you do. And it's backed by your integrity and the desire to be different and make a difference.

Start by "giving to get." Provide "free stuff" before they buy anything.? Whether it's your time and insight, providing valuable information, or a free trial.

Then deliver the highest quality product you possibly can, on or before the promised delivery date.

Personalize all communications, especially with the customer service line answered by a human being, every day.

Respond to problems within hours not days and always fix them in the customer's favor (replacing product, often with little or no questions asked - think Amazon's return policy).

Follow up, frequently. Use that philosophy as the foundation of your sales pitch (they're buying more than your product) and then back it up with results!

Build a reputation for service and integrity. Not only should they be able to count on your word, but they should be able to count on you and your company constantly exceeding their expectations.

If you do it right, with social media, word of mouth should spread. Your customers will be your best sales people!

“The Entrepreneur’s Yoda” knows these things.? He’s been there.? May success be with you!


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