Make a Coffee. Make a Difference.

Make a Coffee. Make a Difference.

The World’s First Certified 100% Compostable Single-Serve Pod!

Every delicious cup of Chock full o’ Nuts? coffee you brew using our single coffee pods makes a difference to the environment. That’s because Chock full o’ Nuts? single-serve pods are made of innovative materials that are certified to completely break down in commercial composting facilities.

So after you’ve enjoyed your cup of Chock full o’ Nuts? coffee, the ring, label, filter and brewed coffee grounds will all revert to soil when composted, instead of piling up in landfills.

Chock compostable pod

Lid 1 – 100% compostable bio-materials

Ring 2 – Made with bio-material and reclaimed coffee chaff, the skin of the coffee bean that comes off during the roasting process

Coffee 3 – Organic material rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium

Filter 4 – 100% compostable mesh


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