Make cleaning artificial turf easy with these tips

Make cleaning artificial turf easy with these tips

Over the years, the popularity of artificial turf has grown like crazy and it is with good reason. It has proven to be a viable and affordable alternative to people who do not want grass. But even with something artificial like this, you will have to worry about cleaning and maintenance that has to be done. This is because once people start using it, there is going to be some amount of wear and tear. And with the help of cleaning, you will be ensuring that no damage happens to the turf. Today, we would like to give you a couple of tips that can make sure that you can get the cleaning done. it is important to get this done as you have to consider the safety element as well. Even though this is turf, there is the possibility of someone getting injured. This will happen if it is not cleaned or maintained in the right manner. How can the cleaning be done?

The basics

One aspect that we need to talk about is the frequency with which this activity has to be done. If it is being used daily, it would help to get some cleaning done once a week. And to do this, one of the first things that you should be doing is hose down the area. Using the water will get it ready for any solution that you might be using for a deep cleanse. Add it after the turf is wet and let it soak for some time. You can use any type of solution that is available in the market. Once it has soaked and started to foam, you can use the hose to rinse it off. Another useful piece of equipment that you should be making use of is the garden rake. This can help you get rid of any kind of dirt or leaves that might be present on the turf. 

Following a routine

If you do not make this cleaning a regular activity, then it can become expensive to do so when you finally get to it. So, the easiest way to get around is this is to fix a set time which ideally should be once a week. Use this to check and see if the turf has to be filled in and that can be needed based on how people have used it. A combination of the water and rake alone is more than enough to take care of most of the cleaning needs. There could be additional challenges if say pets were allowed onto the turf. Thankfully, there are special products that are designed to help take care of this. 

Apart from keeping it neat and tidy, you would also have to consider getting rid of bacteria especially if children will be using it. In the process of doing all of this, you will realize that artificial turf cleaning is not a pain to do. All you need is some simple equipment that is already available. Add to this a set time during the month to get cleaning and you are set.  

image credit: Pexels


