The Hive offers a genuinely unique approach to improving the outcomes for Looked After young people as well as all Primary school pupils across the UK.

  Our Primary arenas of operation include:

 ·        Young people connected to the state care and justice systems

·        Carers and Professionals working with the groups identified above

·        Young people (Looked After), Not in Education Employment or Training (NEET), Those experiencing long-term unemployment, Care Leavers, Justice Leavers, Those experiencing Domestic Abuse. to list a few.

·        Developing Creative and Entrepreneurial skills

 Our additional areas of operation include:

 ·        Awareness workshops for Primary Schools

·        Skills for the Service Sector

The stark realities created by our Social care system: Over 95000 Looked after children in the UK. 

  • 6% of care leavers entering University compared to 42% in the general populous
  • 35% of Care Leavers Not in Education, Employment or Training
  • 70% of Domestic Violence Victims (Both male & female) reporting having been "In Care"
  • 40% of under 21's serving a custodial sentence reporting being "In Care" either at the time of sentencing or prior to it.


1.      Make the ‘First Contact’ Assessment more effective.

We believe it is possible, through our protocols to safely reduce the number of interventions and re referrals. Which reduces the burden on services and professionals and gives Children and families a realistic opportunity for life long development.

We are currently reaching out to Local SCB’s that may be interested in Beta Testing a new ‘First Contact Assessment Protocol. Designed to improve the effective support for those referred to social care for assessment.

 The main highlights being:

  •  To make the assessment process more accurate and inclusive.
  •  To initiate support immediately.
  •  To develop trust and communication from the outset.
  •  To support families to develop responsibilities.
  • To reduce those needing direct interventions.
  • To improve the outcomes following interventions.

 2.      Provide effective core skill coaching for ‘life’ to Young People, Carers / Parents, Social Care and Education Professionals.

The Hive have designed the only programmes for purpose: The development of core personal skills, giving all participants a wider base of coping capacities, reducing risks of poor psychological well-being.

 Enabling those most in need to develop confidence, motivation, a sense of self-worth, self-belief and aspiration with the ability to make positive choices for their own futures. Empowering young people to engage and sustain effective, positive connections with professionals, education and other service providers. This will reduce the burden on services in both time & cost, while making a positive long-term difference in the lives of those we coach.  

 3.      Provide all Primary School Pupils with increased awareness and improved coping capacities. The Hive's 'Storytelling with The Mouse' workshop package.

 Here are the main highlights:

  • 3 workshops each delivered to 10 pupils from each year group (8 - 10 years of age) 90 pupils in total. directly participating.
  • Product is produced that the school can raise its own revenue from. School receives 150 copies of the completed storybook, within 2 weeks of the last workshop.
  • The storybook can be used for all other pupils across the school to raise awareness of the topics covered in the workshops.
  • The package costs less than £20.00 per pupil participating in the workshop.
  • The workshops will support the professional identify and approach the topics covered in a way that can make positive early interventions, a greater factor for young people and the school as a whole.

We currently making these workshops available throughout the Uk and are building our team of facilitators that can not only deliver the workshops, but have the experience, skills and aptitude to support educators and staff to maximise the benefits of the workshops.

Anyone, interested in finding out more, or discussing working with The Hive can contact The Hive, either through our website., or directly through my LinkedIn Profile.


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