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A tendency to have a dry skin with a scaly eruption often peeling off is a symptom of Psoriasis but sometimes the condition is confined to the scalp. Appearing as scaly, scurfy with the skin giving away in a dry fashion is called as Seborrhoeic dermatitis.
Acute discomfort
Seborrhoeic dermatitis is not harmful but can be uncomfortable and unsightly. The skin of the scalp in a few areas becomes red, itchy, scaly and scurfy with tenderness on occasions and appears as dandruff ready to fall off or stick to the hairy surface and can be a cosmetic disturbance. This can usually occur on the scalp but is not uncommon on the eyebrows, armpits, groin etc. Similar condition in the infants is usually termed as cradle cap. A person suffering with this condition usually appears with these symptoms:
Patchy scaling and thick crusts on the scalp. Yellow or white scales attaching to the hair shaft. Red, greasy skin covered with flaky white or yellow scales. Itching or soreness Skin flakes or dandruff.
There is not always an apparent reason for seborrhea but it has been found that certain yeast cells find it congenial to multiply and grow in the oily secretions of the body and the margins of the scalp, areas behind the ears etc. Whenever there is a change of season when the immunity is low the skin conditions can easily make their presence felt too. Stress and fatigue are usually the prime suspects for any skin condition to take root in the body. But in some neurological conditions like Parkinsonism even without obvious link seborrhea is more common. It differs from conditions like Atopic Dermatitis which is an allergic condition and Psoriasis as well as ringworm condition which can also cause scurfy eruption but that also causes loss of hair of the area affected.
The idea of treatment is to reduce inflammation even while clearing of the build up of the flaky skin on the surface of the scalp. Following certain lifestyle changes like applying shampoo at least twice or thrice a week would clear off the exuded skin cells while avoiding harsh soaps and detergents would keep the surface of the skin neutral and not dry. If one is badly affected shaving off beard or a moustache would allow the area to heal sooner unlike the hair rich areas. Scratching is likely to cause a secondary infection and should be avoided. Remedies like Kali sulph, Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Natrum mur, Petroleum help in sanitizing the surface off the flaked cells wile deep acting remedies like Ars alb, Sulph, Thuja, Psorinum, Bacillinum help in seeing that the inflammation is reduced and the build up is avoided.