Make that call!
We are continually choosing, and making “Value judgments” between the alternatives available to you to satisfy our own or business needs.
??Remember that "the price paid" is not measured in money, but in how much the Obvious alternative venues are committed to deliver.
More than any other industry, hospitality is continually dealing with the future; it is a continual calculation, an instinctive exercise in future business. Survival is moving away from the old and seeking the new.
?As a Marketer or a Group Buyer are you looking for new cost-saving opportunities to accommodate your next conference, product launch, or training seminar?
Will the following actions switch on your “Value Judgment?” ?
?Should you agree and need at least 3 of the above advantages and enjoy a creative “hip” & “stylish” culture with a more authentic personalized conference package over the shelve-type cookie-cutter package look no further. ?
."Before you make your next conference, product launch, or sales training booking/inquiry with the same old thinking and getting the same old results, please complete the ENQUIRY document, return it to me, and experience change,
it's time to move away from that old folly of old. The only thing that lasts is shoes that are too small.