Make Boston First, But First Make Boston Safe

Make Boston First, But First Make Boston Safe/12 May 2022

? Make Boston first, but first make Boston safe.”?That political slogan, from a mayoral campaign over 50 years ago, is a true today as it was then. Boston has a crime rate far lower than that of other comparable cities in America. Every metric suggests that whether it be murders or aggravated assaults, Boston is in a far superior position to many of our peer communities.?

Nevertheless, recent random violence on the streets of the city is of great concern not only to the police and elected officials, but also to all of us who consider Boston home.

Under no circumstances should a child be worried about going to school because a gun was discovered the day before, or any time, nor should anyone be afraid of walking in a public place or going out to a restaurant or driving down a public way. City Councillors must understand such things as they prepare to vote on a budget in the coming weeks.


