Will It Make The Boat Go Faster?
I recently heard the story of Ben Hunt-Davis, a member of the UK Olympic Rowing Team that came 6th in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics and 8th place in the Atlanta 1996 Olympics. Ben and his teammates in search for excellence and perfection to win gold in the 2000 Sydney Olympics, came up with concrete, daily habits that revolved around asking themselves one question before they did anything, "Will It Make The Boat Go Faster?"
The result of their single-minded focus for 18 months prior to the Sydney Olympics resulted in their team winning gold by 8/10th of second!
One of my all time favorite books is Napoleon Hill's The Master Key To Riches. In Chapter Three, Hill talks about all the great leaders, in all walks of life and during all periods of history, have attained their leadership by the application of their abilities behind a definite major purpose.
Hill goes on to say that it is one of the great tragedies of civilization that ninety eight of every one hundred persons go all the way through life without coming within sight of anything that even approximates definiteness of major purpose like Ben Hunt-Davis's team wanting to win gold at the 2000 Sydney Olympics.
Once you identify your definite major purpose then applying Davis's strategy of "Will it make the boat go faster?" empowers you to accomplish your major purpose!
I am blessed to be working with a team that has a premium mentorship program that empowers us with strategies and tactics to make our boat go faster towards our definite major purpose.
What is your major purpose and what are you doing to make your boat go faster?