Make BIG Happen: Living the Dream List
Mark Moses, CEO Coaching International
Founding Partner & Executive Chairman, CEO Coaching International / Best Selling Author "Make BIG Happen" & "Making BIG Happen" / Speaker, 12x Ironman Finisher, YPO, EO & R360 Member
My personal philosophy is to Make BIG Happen in all areas of life. Every year I am inspired to try new challenges, see new things, and aim for new achievements in my lifetime. I then add these goals to my continuously growing dream list and share them with my friends and family so that I am held accountable. Sometimes even I think the things that I’m shooting for are a little crazy. “Ride an elephant with your wife in Laos?” How’s that gonna happen?
And then it does!
Now imagine if, instead, I’d written down, “I’m going to ride my bike more this year.” There’s nothing wrong with those kinds of goals … But there’s nothing BIG about them either. When you start thinking BIG, you start acting BIG, living BIG. From personal experience, let me tell you: The distance between setting a goal to ride an elephant in Laos, and actually riding an elephant in Laos, is a lot shorter than you think it is. This simple change in your thinking can have a dramatic impact on every aspect of your life.
I’m incredibly lucky to live a big life that allows me to focus on my passions. Despite having fulfilled many of my wildest dreams, I believe we should never stop reaching and achieving.
Years ago, I created my Make BIG Happen Dream List, which includes some pretty extreme challenges. Below are some of my completed challenges along with a few still left to check off. Hopefully, reading these excerpts from my list will inspire you to create your own list and start to Make BIG Happen in your life.
Completed Challenges:
Father-Son Trip to Complete the White Continent Marathon in Antarctica
The race was on King George Island, where scientists representing Chile, Russia and China live with their families on a base. There are no restaurants, hotels or bars. As you can imagine, it is not easy to get there. My son Mason and I endured four days of weather delays with our traveling companion, Jack Daly, one of my best friends. Like me, Jack is on a quest to complete a marathon on every continent. Antarctica was the sixth for each of us. Read More.
Take My Father on the Trip of His Dreams
For years, I’ve been taking one-on-one trips with my two kids. We’ve created memories that will undoubtedly last a lifetime.
Recently, my dad turned 85 and I got this crazy idea. What if my dad and I took a one-on-one trip just like I’ve been doing with my kids? Read More.
Complete the Hawaii Ironman (5 times!)
Triathlons have been a big part of my life for several years. In business and life, I’ve always believed that if you think big and act big, you will be big. I’ve completed twelve Ironman races to date. Read More.
Cycling Trip through Laos, Vietnam & Cambodia
I just completed this trip with my wife, Ivette, and some dear friends. It was amazing cycling around Angkor Wat and several other temples that were built 1000 years ago. This was our 6th big cycling adventure.
Drink Wine in Mendoza, Argentina
Yes, wine is a recurring theme in some of these bucket list items.
Go Dogsledding
Hike the Grand Canyon “Rim to Rim to Rim”
This 48-mile hike across the Grand Canyon and back, known as the “Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim,” is an iconic route, and not to be underestimated. The trek features more than 25,000 vertical feet of gain and loss.
Ring the Bell at a Stock Exchange in New York
Complete the Polar Circle Marathon in Greenland
Too many people in life say, “Hey, I’ll do that when I retire, or I’ll do that at some point in the future.” I firmly believe that no matter how busy you are, you can and should make the time to schedule your day and start living life the way you want to be living it—right now. Read More.
Write an International Best-Selling Book
My book Make Big Happen: How to Live, Work, and Give Big, reached number one, and was an international best-seller in the business and entrepreneur category. In Make Big Happen, I advise readers to ask better questions that lead to better results, with a focus on four critical areas: What do you want? (Vision) What do you have to do? (Action) What could get in the way? (Anticipate) How do you hold yourself accountable? (Measure). Read More.
Upcoming Challenges:
I have dozens of items on my current dream list, and it keeps expanding. Perhaps some of these activities may inspire you, too.
Hike Mt. Kilimanjaro with My Son, Mason, and Friends (Will Complete Aug 2018)
Become a Sommelier
I love drinking fine wine and becoming a Sommelier will help me appreciate it even more.
Hike the Inca Trail, Machu Piccu & Cusco in Peru, with Kids
Cycle Through Myanmar (Burma). (February 2018)
Run the Bhutan Marathon in the kingdom of Bhutan. (March 2018)
Run a marathon in 2:59 and break that elusive 3-hour mark. (This is the most challenging item on my bucket list.)
Charter a Yacht in the South of France with Friends. (July 2017)
Live to 100
There are a few things on my Make BIG Happen Dream List that I probably won’t be able to check off until the very end. And that’s the point! I plan to keep challenging myself for as long as I can, as hard as I can, and to keep making BIG things happen for me, my family, and my business.
I love to be inspired! Please share with me some of the exotic things from your own dream list in the comments.
About Mark Moses
Mark Moses is the Founding Partner of CEO Coaching International and the Amazon Bestselling author of Make Big Happen. His firm coaches over 140 of the world’s top high-growth entrepreneurs and CEO’s on how to dramatically grow their revenues and profits, implement the most effective strategies, becoming better leaders, grow their people, build accountability systems, and elevate their own performance. Mark has won Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year award and the Blue Chip Enterprise award for overcoming adversity. His last company ranked #1 Fastest-Growing Company in Los Angeles as well as #10 on the Inc. 500 of fastest growing private companies in the U.S. He has completed 12 full distance Ironman Triathlons including the Hawaii Ironman World Championship 5 times.
Founder & CEO | Hockey-Stick Growth
8 年Carmelo Marsala, you should meet Mark Moses, CEO Coaching International - CEO coach and a top student painting operator back in the day. Mark, Carmelo came up in student painting and is building an impressive franchise company.