Make the best out of the meeting
Check list for both host and attendees.
Before meeting-
1. Send out invitation minimum 2-3 days in advance
2. Set time where most of the members are available physically or virtually
3. Select conference room of adequate size
4. Set video or audio bridge and include info on how to join
5. Set clear purpose for the meeting
6. Set agenda with assigned time and presenter’s name to set expectation
7. Invite required contributors
8. What is in there for all? Make sure everyone gets something out of the meeting
9. Send all the supporting reference documents before meeting
10. If key members are not available, request for representative
11. Assure to response – Yes; No and May Be with reason
12. Agree on rules of engagement – cadence of the meeting, roles and responsibilities
13. Provide uniform format to share and present the information
14. Prepare for meeting
During meeting -
15. Assure all attendees knows who else is attending meeting
16. Conduct uninterrupted meetings - by using mute function for multimedia calls, discouraging parallel conversation & multitasking e.g. smart phone and computer usage
17. Give chance for all to contribute
18. Stick to the agenda and topic
19. Practice effective listening
20. Take meeting minutes during meeting to capture major points discussed, decision made, action items assigned (with owner and follow up date)
21. Note any questions, concerns, disagreements and conflicts to address outside meeting if it goes beyond allocated time
22. Start and stop meeting on time to respect everyone’s time.
23. Focus and share relevant info and data in concise manner
24. Keep open mind to collect all the ideas, opinions and suggestions
25. Promote and maintain high professional behaviors and mannerisms
26. Stimulate group discussion (interactive meeting)
27. Coach and learn – to grow everyone involved
28. Question situation or data not individuals
29. Try to get group consensus if possible
30. Help team make critical decisions
31. Conclude meeting with communicating next steps
After meeting –
32. Keep good track of invitee and attendees so that meeting invitation can be adjusted
33. Send meeting minutes and action items to all interested stakeholders
34. Archive old information and closed action items so that only current information relevant to meeting gets due attention
35. Review any action item that required additional resources (time, cost etc.)
36. Coordinate any cross-functional support to address critical issues
37. Communicate with upper management with summary of status (accomplishment, issues, goals)
38. Recognize and appreciate support from team members