Make America Great
Ravi Ramamurthy
Trustee, Aashwasan Foundation and Chief Innovator, Vice Chairman Epiance
Every country wants to be great, which is fantastic. Less impressive is the fact that these countries want to be great at the cost of another country.
Greatness is not a zero-sum game. It is not achieved by looking inward or developing a heightened streak of selfishness towards oneself, a group, a race or a country. It does not entail from turning inward or looking out for one's narrow interests.
Greatness is expansive; it has to have an outward flow, embracing everybody in its vise. Greatness has to be selfless; it has to protect the weak, the poor, the disabled and people who cannot look after themselves. Words of venom, hatred spewed by individuals will ultimately redound and impact the source or the origin. We are all interconnected through a web of tangible and intangible forces. The trouble that I am facing will reach you just as surely as the pathos you undergo will impact me. Each one of us owes our existence to a common ancestor. We have more in common than we think. Our mechanisms are identical; our blood looks the same; our internal organs appear and function with remarkable similarities. We cry, laugh and become sad for the same reasons. We all yearn for love, gratitude and nourishment.
So my response to the "Make America Great Again" would be to say- "Make America Great", "Make India great", Make All countries great". I hope I am not committing an abomination by saying " Make China great", "Make Pakistan great", "Make everybody in this world great". Drive out the hatred and petty mindedness that holds us back, isolating us and imprisoning us into our self-created prisons. Let us jettison the stereotypes, prejudices, beliefs which divide one man from another.