Make (all) Learning Visible
Looking for opportunities to expand L&D's services with informal learning and business impact? In this article, find 5 actionable steps to make (in)formal learning visible.?
Under the influence of COVID-19, L&D has been converting offline formal learning into online learning on a large scale. This conversion to online reinforces the perception that L&D is mainly working with formal learning. In my opinion, the role of L&D is much wider and more important than this. The core business of L&D should be not only formal but also informal learning in organizations. The problem is that informal learning is often not visible. That is why MLV (Make Learning Visible) is relevant for L&D.
Visible, Formal Learning
The visibility of formal learning through training, coaching, eLearning, diplomas, and certificates is recognized and well established in organizations. The COVID-19 pandemic made formal learning even more visible on a global scale. From an L&D business model perspective, the value proposition is: delivering formal learning based on the needs of stakeholders and clients in organizations [1]. It is fair to say that formal learning is the raison d’être of L&D in the organizational landscape.