Make 2019 the  last year of the decade of the d###heads
pick of the hope project fire that closed the site for local kids . vic downer from unity cornwall in pic

Make 2019 the last year of the decade of the d###heads

Dyth da /hello what do you think about the Cornish languish , yes you heard me correctly LANGUISH ; 

verb definition

If someone languishes somewhere, they are forced to remain and suffer in an unpleasant situation.Synonyms: decline, waste away, fade away, wither away grow weak, deteriorate, decline, do not thrive.  More Synonyms of languish

If something languishes, it is not successful, often because of a lack of effort or because of a lot of difficulties.

I fully support the Cornish language but I abhor the Cornish languish . let me take you back to the 6th century and pope Gregory the great who removed languish from the 7 deadly sins list ,languish was the 8th. Could it be that to not thrive is a deadly sin hidden by the pope , as languishing is the opposite from thriving .So what is the result of the Cornish languish what adversity are we avoiding by lack of debate and who does that serve .We are at a epoch in time . we all share the responsibility of this decade , in the last ten years we decide if we all live or die in 100 years time or if we thrive .

what does that mean to kernow /cornwall

That means we finally have to grasp the nettle and identify what is undermining kernow. We all have our own list mine is below

1 Rouge Planners of Influence why hasn't Cornwall identified its rouge planners as other regions have ? we know who they are, do you ?

2 Old Boys Clubs , how can the blue nosed clubs of drinkers against the thinkers still exist in today world .where are they , how do you get rid of them ?

3 Brain Drain why is it better to move to london to be a nurse rather than do so in kernow , why is the pay so different from london to kernow. as are the water charges ect .

4 Internal Emigration how can you make affordable homes that are not affordable to a Cornish nurse , why arnt second homes taxed, why is there no tourist tax that pays for the cornish language .

5 Upward Mobility there is a glass ceiling in Cornwall and nobody can see it or get past it as its not meant to be seen . who does it serve ?

6 Lack of debate .Debate is stifled in kernow why and who does it serve .

You see if we do not see how we languish we will also not see how we do not thrive .This action serves the blue nosed cabals that close down children's recreation spaces .The orgs that seek to divide us for profit .It serves those that seek to capitalize on the lack of real debate on how to make a better Cornwall and a better world . To thrive past the next hundred years we need to look closely at how and where we languish . Where are we too relaxed and why is that so .who does it serve ? We need to end the cabals that Innfluence planning policy .We need to start a debate on what is a better Cornwall and what is the measurement of a thriving Cornwall a better Cornwall .

We need to end this sufferance from these cabals of the past ten years ,we need to keep this place a pleasant place to be , we need to build a better Cornwall .we need to make Cornwall profit from its brand .We need to get stronger and stronger each year. We need to show that we can become more and more visible to the world for the right reasons .We need to grow younger by each generation think younger ,act younger . We need to imprint ourselves into future history by showing transparent government , a more open Cornwall and strong debate .We need to thrive and build and make a better Cornwall for us all one and all . We need a end to the common thought of dodgy blue nosed planning agents and their friends in high office who make chicken box houses that nobody from here can afford . We need a end to the thought that Cornwall is closed . We need a end to the decade of the d###heads so we can start thriving and climbing back into the light it deserves , because remember ,If something languishes, it is not successful, often because of a lack of effort or because of a lot of difficulties. so lets make the effort and tackle the difficulties

So then the feel of the cold, makes our goal ,more gold . Remember the 8th deadly sin is to not thrive so lets get these languishing blue nosed anti social planning cabals put firmly on the list of sin, and back in the bin .let us shine the torch of transparency into local government and services and keep kernow thriving ,as together we can make a better Cornwall than it ever was before .

murass thanks kbv


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