Major process of Office Moving

In the light of the new site plan, mark the work area of the new office, that is, tick a label on the seats of employees with their name and number. This number, once confirmed, every personal items and documents will be numbered accroding to it, so that our workers can quickly move documents to the right place.

   Mark the public area in the same way.(such as meeting office, reception office.)

2. Deliver boxes to every employees. They can put their personal goods to the box and tick a mark.

3. Set apart furnitures and pack them with paper, bubble wrap, and cartons.

4. Pack the facilities in the public area and make a detailed packing list to make sure every screws and wire will not be left.

5. Check the number of every packages according to the packing list before goods are loading into the truck.

6. When arrived, check number and make wall and floor protection. Unpack and set up furnitures. We will clean the office finally. You may rate our serive. When you are satisfied, we will leave and take away the debires.

If you need, we can change the postion of furnitures for you in one month without any payment.

Optional service: 1.hanging pictures, lights and install sound system

                           2.Connet line of internet


电话: 0519-88100592(总机)

传真: 0519-88100592

电子邮箱:[email protected]



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