Major opportunities in the American Rescue Plan and READI
Major opportunities are coming -- the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) and the State of Indiana’s recently announced Regional Economic Acceleration + Development Initiative (READI). How we respond as a community can have a transformative impact on our collective future.
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) is a $1.9 trillion federal coronavirus relief funding package. ARPA will deliver funding at the federal, state, and local levels for items ranging from expansion of support for industry, education, low-income families, transit, higher education, arts and humanities, COVID-19 testing and tracing, vaccine distribution and administration...and more (Source: NPR). Of the money reserved for local governments, Bloomington will receive about $22.27M, Ellettsville will receive about $1.41M, and Monroe County will receive about $28.79M.
The State of Indiana’s recently-announced Regional Economic Acceleration + Development Initiative (READI) aims to position Indiana as a magnet for talent and economic growth by developing regions. Neighboring communities are invited to develop regional strategies to advance their quality of place and quality of life, innovation, entrepreneurship, and talent attraction and development. Up to $50 million can be awarded to selected regions, of a total $500 million in state appropriations for READI. Regional strategies can include “physical projects, such as infrastructure, workforce housing developments, the revitalization of blighted or vacant properties, and cultural amenities, as well as sustainable, multi-year programs, such as talent attraction initiatives, public-private partnerships to advance industry innovation, and small business support services” (Source:
There is a wealth of existing information indicating how we can leverage ARPA and READI to improve opportunities, quality of life, and quality of place for our neighbors. In 2020, the BEDC and partners analyzed 28 studies and plans related to economic development across Monroe County. This included everything from comprehensive plans, to work done on wage growth, housing, business and industry, sustainability, tourism, transportation, and beyond. It also incorporated a SWOT analysis of our local economy.
The following four opportunities stand out because they intersect and build upon one another to build a stronger local community:
- Support workforce: Over 3200 people dropped out of the Bloomington MSA labor force from March 2020 to March 2021. These individuals are not receiving state and federal unemployment benefits, so are not counted among unemployment numbers. Reasons for leaving the workforce include lack of child care, managing at-home virtual school, elder care, early retirements, lack of jobs for students previously in the workforce, and discouraged former workers who were unable to find employment matching their skill level. (Source: Indiana Business Research Center). We can support initiatives to help our neighbors upskill, connect to available jobs, increase their earning potential and opportunities for advancement, and increase workforce diversity. This also helps employers, who face challenges in finding enough quality workers across Indiana.
- Enhance quality of life: Affordable child and elder care, workforce housing, and reliable transit are barriers to opportunity for some neighbors. Arts and cultural organizations were hit hard during the pandemic, but are central to our local culture and quality of life. Accessible outdoor spaces are a hallmark of our community and support well being. And the pandemic exposed the needs of all communities to have strong health and mental health amenities. By supporting these amenities within our community, we can help our neighbors advance while improving quality of life.
- Grow quality jobs: The pandemic hit certain local industries hard, demonstrating the need to increase the diversity of good paying, sustainable, clean jobs. Future-focused sectors like technology, life sciences, defense, and advanced manufacturing provide great promise for such employment. They advance innovation while linking to local expertise, clusters of existing employers, and anchor institutions like Indiana University and NSWC Crane. Employers in these sectors also support local businesses, bolstering the local economy.
- Tell our story and connect dots: Some of our community’s achievements and assets seem like best-kept secrets -- both in and outside of our region. The more we can promote the story of Bloomington, Ellettsville, Monroe County, and the broader region, the better we can connect our neighbors to opportunity and help advance our community as a place with a high quality of life for residents to work, live, and play.
Opportunities abound, but only if we can pull together as a community to pursue them. We look forward to working with partners across Monroe County and the region in building a stronger future.
Jennifer Pearl is president of the Bloomington Economic Development Corporation. Please do not hesitate to contact the BEDC if we can help or collaborate - or - if you are interested in growing in Monroe County, Indiana ([email protected]).