The Major Momentum Killer: How Perfectionism Holds You Back
John Michael Morgan
Branding Consultant & Bestselling Author | Momentum Maker For Entrepreneurs & Brands
Perfectionism is often viewed as having high standards. Yet, the pursuit of perfection can actually be what is holding back your progress.
Striving for perfection puts immense pressure on yourself to always achieve flawless results. This creates a cycle of self-doubt and fear of failure, leading to stress and anxiety.
The problem with perfectionism is that perfect doesn't exist.
In the art world, many consider the Mona Lisa to be the perfect painting. Yet, Leonardo Da Vinci didn't think so. He carried it with him for years, working to get it "right".
If you asked me, the Shawshank Redemption and It's A Wonderful Life are perfect movies. You may like those films and still think others are more perfect.
And that's where perfection gets complicated. It's a moving target. Something is either perfect or it isn't. Yet we judge things as being more perfect than others.
The pursuit of perfection is a major momentum killer.
You fail to act on an idea or concept because it's not perfect. You instead must understand that imperfectly done outperforms perfectly planned. Every. Single. Time.
Strive for progress rather than perfection.
By chasing perfection, you miss out on opportunities to learn from your mistakes. Failure is a necessary part of life. It is through trial and error that we often learn the most important lessons.
Perfectionism limits your creativity and innovation. It prevents you from exploring new ideas and alternative paths. You can't see all that is possible when you're focused on a narrow window of what you call perfect.
Being a perfectionist can negatively impact your relationships with others. Holding others to impossibly high standards leads to criticism and judgment. Those in turn create tension and conflict.
Instead, accept imperfection in yourself and others. Foster compassion and understanding in your interactions.
It's time to let go of perfectionism. It isn't real. Let go and reduce your stress and anxiety. Let go and increase opportunities for growth and development. Let go and improve your relationship with others. Letting go leads to greater satisfaction and success.