Major IC Market Trends
TI October market demand picked up, and several end-user backlog items arrived. Still, automotive materials ISO/TPS/DS90 series—remain?out of stock. Prices for these materials are very high, and the scheduling cycle has been extended to more than 40 weeks.
To address the scarcity in the automotive sector, TI will also begin a new 300mm wafer fab at the end of the year, according to market news.
Customers are still waiting to watch the pricing trend on the STM market this month, which has very little demand.
Demand for STM32F series MCUs is significantly higher. Because there are more of them available (STM32F030/F103 series), the price has also decreased to a more consistent level.
It is more apparent that there is a need for more automotive-grade MCUs and driver devices.
Although there is still no relief in delivery time, the ensuing supply-side pressure could ease a little if the customer demand is lessened.
Overall, demand for Qualcomm products is still deficient, and most customers are taking a wait-and-see attitude. At the same time, they wait for prices to return to normal. However, at the beginning of this month, Qualcomm will be increasing the cost of its entire range of products by 15%, which is anticipated to impact the future trend of market prices.
supply saturation of consumer parts, the sharp decline in demand, and the increased availability of spot resources
The market price of the CSR Bluetooth chip BC417 is relatively high, yet demand is considerable.
Although there have been several spot releases of Netflix material router chip AR8033-AL1A, the price has remained high.
This month's main out-of-stock items are QCA8337N-AL3B and AR8035-AL1B industrial grade, and few resources are available.
In addition, we have a few WIFI6 sets in stock for support; if you require something similar, kindly get in touch with Forex Electronics.
Regular NXP materials are not in high demand this month, and the out-of-stock products are mostly MCU for automotive and medical applications.
Regarding lead time,
consumer parts are currently in stock and have arrived in significant quantities;
Industrial series delivery takes 52–78 weeks;
Delivery times for the TJA series are back to normal.
Although the I.MX series shortage has somewhat lessened, but most models continue to have high costs.
Automotive chips like S912xxx and S9Sxxxx are still in high demand.
In its most recent financial presentation, NXP stated that as new energy vehicles enter the stage of faster penetration, the following situation of supply being less than demand will result in a stream of orders for the company.
According to the current and 2023 NCNR order volumes, NXP's current production capacity still has 20% of orders that cannot be covered.
The price increase in early July was followed by another price increase planned for the end of the year. The industrial control class is anticipated to see a price increase of about 10%; the automotive type is expected to see a price increase of about 20%, while the consumer class is not likely to see a price increase.
The demand for Broadcom has not increased as the sector as a whole remains in a slump.
Large-scale arrivals have caused manufacturing inventory to rise gradually.
Currently, demand from communication customers is not as strong as it was in the first half of the year, and it is also not as strong from server customers or the PLX series, whose introduction has slowed down market growth.
The demand from automotive clients is comparatively strong, but because the supply is more regular, there are fewer chances for shortages, and costs have dropped more.
Although the entire Renesas product delivery time has decreased since October, it is still more than 40 weeks.
Consumer components demand considerably decreased, agents started to arrive one by one, and market prices were reduced.
The automotive and industrial industries continue to experience a shortage of series like R5F10, R5F5, and R5F6, among others. Serious shortages also affect the supply of clock buffers due to a lack of crystal raw materials and capacity issues.
series 5P8, 5P1, /8P3, etc. The material is primarily dedicated to supplying, and the delivery period is still somewhat lengthy.
The demand for REALTEK products climbed in October compared to September, particularly for routers and switches, computer peripheral sound, and network card chips. Still, the demand for this particular block of audio decoding has fallen.
RTL8306M-CG/ALC221-VA3-CGT/RTL8197FH-VE4-CG/RTL8812RF/RTL8197FS-VE5-CG/RTL8812BRH-CG/RTL8367, among other models, have higher market demand. Customers are primarily requesting sets of chips this month.
In addition, RTL8211FS/RTL8304MB/RTL8309M/RTL8363NB-VB/RTL8211EG-VB-CG; we have good resources, welcome to exchange.
Although demand for automotive material items has improved overall compared to the previous month, consumer and industrial product demand has mostly stayed the same.
Concerning lead time,
The delivery time for 8-bit 、32-bit MCUs is still greater than 52 weeks, particularly when it comes to the audio and video picture class controllers for automobiles, such as the PIC32MZ1024 series, whose delivery time is greater than 70 weeks.
Lead times for Ethernet controllers, like the KSZ9031 series and PD6920 series, range from 30 to 52 weeks, depending on market demand and price swings.
Microchip storage, particularly EEPROM products, is currently in extremely short supply, with some products having an 80-week or more extended delivery period.
As a result of this and the fact that Microchip's FPGA delivery time is often lengthy (42–52 weeks), the company's microcontroller and high-end analog product scarcity may not get much better by the end of 2022.
On the ADI side, delivery backlog timelines are still slow, affecting many product families and causing severe delivery delays.
To prevent repeat orders, ADI keeps an eye on its open backlog and rejects backlog requests. The usual lead time at this moment is between 45 to 48 weeks.
Lead times for automotive and server items are in the 70-80 week range, and there are still severe market outages and tight supply conditions.
The availability of linear automotive items, such as LTC8609/LTC1859, is also minimal and has an average lead time of more than 52 weeks;
Maxim's amplifier products have a 60-week delivery window that is severely out of stock, and there is still a high demand for automotive items;
The MAX 40, 44, 96, and 99 series remain scarce.
In addition to the preceding NCP and NCV, which have increased the price of more series, Onsemi's current demand is mainly focused on automotive materials; automotive-grade MOSFET demand is also robust, with market prices for NVM, NVTF, NRVTS, and other series at high levels;
Discrete devices like MBRA and MBRS series supply time extensions and spot market prices saw considerable increases in the industrial, medical, and other areas.
The NC7 and MC series for LogicGate is still out of stock, despite having a large client base and high spot market prices. However, TI's logic chip series, like the SN74 and SN65 big area out of stock, contributes to these series price increases. Once the TI shortage situation is resolved, the spot market price will decline.