Major Accident Prevention at JBF

Major Accident Prevention at JBF

#JBFGE recognises the potential for major accidents to occur at its operations and is committed to the highest standards to provide a high level of protection to its employees, contractors, visitors, neighbours and the environment. We believe that high standards of safety and environmental performance are an integral part of achieving good business performance and that the responsibility for achieving these standards lies with the line management at all levels.

?#JBFGE believes that all major accidents are preventable and is committed to carrying out reviews of its operations for major hazard potential and to seek improvements to achieve this objective. We are committed to achieving excellence in process safety performance through:

  • ?Providing all necessary human and material resources to achieve the objectives of this policy,
  • ?Providing and maintaining a Safety Management System (SMS) which will seek to prevent major accidents and mitigate their effects by:
  • ?Developing and maintaining a culture that is committed to achieving a high standard of safety and environmental performance and involving staff at all levels in developing and monitoring the SMS.
  • Ensuring that an effective organisation exists for the management of major hazards so that responsibilities for the management of major hazards are clearly defined and that the individuals, who carry these responsibilities, including contractors, are properly selected and trained and are held accountable for their performance.
  • Providing such training, information, instruction and supervision as may be necessary to staff at all levels and contractors where appropriate.
  • Defining arrangements for systematically identifying the major hazards arising at all stages in the life cycle of the plant, including construction, commissioning, normal and abnormal operations, shutdowns and decommissioning, and assessing their likelihood and severity and ensuring that these arrangements are fully implemented and that appropriate follow up action is taken with the aim of ensuring major hazard risks are as low as is reasonably practicable.
  • Adopting procedures and instructions for the safe operation and maintenance of plant, processes and equipment at all times throughout the life of the operations.
  • Controlling modifications to plant equipment, processes, storage facilities, and designs of new installations with the aim of ensuring major hazard risks are as low as is reasonably practicable.
  • Identifying foreseeable emergencies by systematic analysis and preparing, testing and periodically reviewing emergency plans involving measures of protection, alert and intervention which are designed to minimise the effects of any major accident (including potential domino effects).
  • Continually monitoring process safety performance in order to assess compliance with the objectives set out in the policy and the SMS and to identify and implement corrective actions where necessary.
  • Formal reporting and investigating all incidents, near misses, hazardous conditions and systems failures.
  • Reporting on performance on a regular basis to Site Management with a formal annual review by Site Management of overall performance based upon a systematic assessment coordinated by the HSE Officer.
  • ?Implementing a planned approach to continuous improvement based upon systematic review of risks and performance together with regular external audits.


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